Cylontater: Bowling Green Survivor


Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks

May you live an actual life. Bye.

I’m really team no one in this situation but the real question is why the fuck are you so worried about what I’m doing and what business is it of yours?

Yes I would, because I’m not a garbage human being. You don’t fucking do that to people. YOU in fact, can just fuck right off.


Let’s never forget the way they were,



Yes. Drugs and alcohol help me through it.

Man, I really hope Donal Logue’s daughter is ok.

So, Asahd can sense evil. What a cute and smart baby.

It took me several years to get approved, I know how it works. She used to be approved too, I was simply asking why she wasn’t anymore. That’s all this is.

Dear Jane,

What are you doing down here in the greys?

this was literally me, there, watching all that

I really only considered going because Flume is one of my absolute favorites, but he’s going to be in my city soon anyways so I figured this was the cheaper/safer bet.

This is everything I never knew I never wanted.