
Oh for fucks sake here we go again painting trans* women as inherently predatory and violent toward cis women. Also, this isn’t an issue of “want.” It’s not like really really wanting a face lift, and your trivialization of reassignment surgeries as such is ignorant at best (transphobic more likely tho).

I just laughed out loud. Get a grip. She has been in prison for thirty years for comitting a murder while under the influence and admist an emotional argument. She should be punnished for her crime, but while punnishment should be a small factor in incarceration, rehabillitation should be the primary goal. She has

Where did you read she was getting paroled because of her need for SRS? I don’t think anyone ever said that, and instead of actually using your brain, you went on an uniformed and hilariously flawed rant about trans* identities being costumes one can put in and off for whatever reason necessary. As you can imagine,

For the life of me I cannot figure out how to respond to your comments because they are so poorly written and clearly agenda driven, making it futile to even try. But just for the record know you aren’t fooling anyone, you are transphobic and willfully ignorant.

But you can get onboard with taxpayer money being spent to keep non-violent and other unthreatening people locked up for completely disproportionate and unjust amounts of time? Where you want to draw the line isn’t anything but transphobia so stop pretending otherwise.

1. Ok, so you’ve flat out admitted you don’t care, not even enough to google something, so why comment at all? I don’t understand your motives when, as you’ve said, educating yourself isn’t a real priority for you. Maybe you just like letting yourself be known. Goal accomplished, in that case.

Privileged people asking to be educated about oppression, are too lazy to do it themselves= you. bye

To answer the question in your OP, yes you are an asshole. stop playing the vicitm and educate yourself. And no, education is not asking kinja commenters for answers. Thats laziness.

So you like looking like a helpless idiot? cool.

Most comments here seem to shaped by a implicit transphobia and outright ignorance of the prison system. This is clearly a situation that illuminates a complex network of injustices from unfair sentencing practices, to lack of trans health care, and on and on. Before commenting uninformed, and more often offensive and

Here is your help: stop talking, educate yourself, listen. It is not my job, or anyones here, to explain to you why your comment is offensive ridiculous garbage masqueraded as genuine concern. If you truly cared you would use the correct pronouns and keep your mouth shut until you had done research and listened to

if you are old and aware enough to comment on a page like gawker, or really any news site or blog, you are self knowledgable enough to know 1. you are trolling 2. why you are doing it and 3. that you don’t care who you are hurting or offending. I hate this fucking excusatory bullshit that aeeks to explain bad behavior

uh really, that is “interesting,” to you? I guess so since it warranted writing a comment. what did you think trolling was about? improving language skills? i literally am cracking up at the comments I am sorry if I am being a dick but COME ON this article sheds no new light on trolling behavior or how to deal with

I personally (queer woman) find most of lesbian porn (produced thru the “male gaze”) to be super gross and just strange. Im not against porn at all just really turned off by most of whats out there for free. I read erotica instead heh heh


just vomited on myself fuck this movie

ugh I know!!! I thought I might be loosing it because I could not follow their train of thought at all and it made me so confused! but then I decided to just stop responding, I think you are right about it being a troll. I just can’t think of any other explanation. Now I’m laughing I should have seen that before!! <3

Thank you! I am going to check it out. NPR forever!

thanks friend!

but do they block the sounds farts make?