Mythbusters exploited this effect to put their hands in molten metal.
Mythbusters exploited this effect to put their hands in molten metal.
God wants this man for sumthng..!!
nice! wish i got that job, not being a geeky dj!
Jesus still works at Gizmodo, and we r all waiting for him to return!
@Ryan Morse: yea!
@PunkRockMachine: nice!
zilch! the fat one tricked me.
yeah i got a massive visual cortex lol.
checking into my eVil lair.
@mtfmuffins: perfect:!
lolmonsters Inc.
once fine day, photography will only exist inside the computers! the day wen all plants and beauty die! lol.
@Goaliegeek2: yup. totally.
i had voted 5 yipeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
real life GTA is the one i
next Zombie trees.
robots in mainstream media!