That list looks legit to me. Unless the guy got a real leaked list and just added some gags to it. Some of those fixes sound too random to have been made up. Its for real.
That list looks legit to me. Unless the guy got a real leaked list and just added some gags to it. Some of those fixes sound too random to have been made up. Its for real.
Where is Battletoads!?!?!!!?
Living Is PlayStation?
I swear, people will be debating this until the end of time (and beyond). When will people understand that *EVERYTHING* people create is art? Your monitor, someone had to design it. It's art. Your mouse is art. You think that ergonomic design just created itself? Even this post, its a literary work of art. EVERYTHING…
Sweet! I want one!
No wonder people think PC gaming is dead.
Anyone order the "X-ray specs" out the back of an Archie comic as a kid only to be horribly disappointed? I have a feeling this is the same gag for the 21st century...
If this 360-mote is for real I hope they make it compatible with Gears of War 2 or maybe make a Halo3 patch or something.
What is there to be confused about? You get what you pay for. Don't matter what numbers or letter are attached, if you pay less than $100 for a video card, good chance its crap. If you buy the $600 one, theres a good chance its good. See how simple it is?
Damn, I feel sorry for the guys that can't get past the intro. What a tease!
R* is so stingy with the achievements. I'm about 15% through the game and I've done some stuff that most definitely warranted an achievement and I've only unlocked 3! Guess you guys are just grinding it out, eh?
@One Way Mule: I think they do it on purpose, it seems like its every other post now-a-days. Maybe an inside joke?
That doesn't make sense...
So I guess he just keeps his M-rated games in drawer, right under the porno mags.
Both look practically the same, except HD DVD was (and still is) cheaper. Also, how's the weather down there in that cave you've been living in the last 2 years?
@Arttemis: You're missing my point. I hate DRM as much as the next guy, but that still doesn't give me the *right* to pirate the game.
What I love is how people complain about being locked into proprietary hardware and cry about how they can buy an HDD for the PC for so cheap. Here's a thought, maybe you should game on the PC too. You can customize any piece of hardware you want. Or you could keep paying Microsoft top dollar for their BlackBox and…
All you whiners are a bunch of dirty rotten pirates in the closet. Come on now, its people like you are that killing PC gaming.
Look, we finally have half of what HD DVD had last year!!! For twice the price!