Cyberbrain Sclerosis

I dread the idea that they're selling Old Luke Skywalker. Mark Hamill is... grisly. I love him as Joker though...

The internet is a mean critic.

... I feel strangely compelled to obey.

I wonder how Titan would look in globe form, since it seems a lot of the atmosphere is obscured. At least, it looks that way.

I love it :)

Yes but how long until I can have a Ganymede globe?

I read the book a few Christmases ago, but folks like you are tempting me to retract my statement and give the game a go...

I had no idea it was episodic. When I used Facebook, I followed Eidos Montreal and they never mentioned that. That is a pretty big turn-off :/ Though it was cool, they responded to my question asking if there would be new music- apparently there was.

The Fall looked like a great game, but every single mobile game I've ever got held my attention for just a few days, and my mobile hardware isn't really up-to-date on top of that. Plus they pandered to Apple's monopolization of apps by releasing it there first. I never bothered to find out if/when they released it on

And none of that 'Deus Ex: The Fall' crap. I'm sure it was a perfectly fine game in its own right, but lets be real- the people who played DX:HR are not mobile gamers. Why Eidos Montreal would waste time developing that nonsense is beyond me.

Yess the whole thing was agonizing to watch, especially when I already had to convince my stepdad to sit through a three hour movie.

That is awesome...

I think the literary version of Arwen and Aragorn is perfectly fine. The film version was not for me though. It was too saccharine and melodramatic in my opinion.

Classic Brian.

That whole thing looks like something out of the Silmarillion.

This is exactly why she got to keep her ass in her little intelligence lab while Garrus, Tali and I went on missions.

I haven't watched since episode 4, how are they doing with Lili Taylor's Captain Maldonado? That lady has some range and I hate to see her wasted on a bland prodedural caricature.

The prequel sounds fun, but I can see why they didn't go through with it. We've already been through countless 'outbreak mayhem' movies.

Thanks, jonhnnygomesbeard!