Umm... what?
Umm... what?
I agree with what StarMember said. (edited) Spoiler Alert! The game is old. I mean, think of a old movies like Back to the Future or Alien. If it comes up in conversation, people will talk about the ending. After a certain amount of time has passed, it's pretty much a given.
The title *does* say Valentine's Day *Week*....
I love that they kept the song in Japanese in this game. It's so much more poetic than the english version, even if they mean the same thing.
The game's been out for a LONG long time by now....
So in the 60s, black people should have just stopped throwing their "blackness" in everyone's faces, right? They would have attained equality much faster that way, eh? Who'da thunk it.
Except, it's straight people who make "coming out" the big deal... It's not like he magically became gay when he told people. He'd been gay long before that. It's the straight people that make a fuss. Please think before you spout your nonsense.
Well ICYMI: The official NA release date is March 18.
lol I got so far in Ni No Kuni and just... completely dropped it. The end game difficulty spike is rather frustrating :/
Hey I've got duodecim and FF6 in my list also!
In preparation for FFX:HD, I'll be playing everything Final Fantasy I can get my hands on, basically LOL. Dissidia: duodecim, FFIV, FFVI, and FFXIII:Lightning Returns will join the circuit later. Maybe I'll cave and buy a 3DS for Bravely Default or a PS Vita for Ys: Celceta because I REALLY want to play both of those…
Might not be your kind of game? I would say try IX or VII and if you still can't get through them then you may as well give up.
If they took the time to update textures, I'm sure they also improveed some of those as well.
Does anyone know if like in the FFIV remaster for PSP, can you switch from the newly updated Soundtrack to the Original and vice versa?
Definitely a misprint. I think he must mean its 12km and he's gone 700m?
Hmm.. While I appreciate them attempting to modernize the classic random encounter trope by adding extra options, I kind of feel like it takes away from the experience a little. I like when there are accessories or equipment you can find to achieve the same thing, kind of like FFX or FFX2. You could have more, less,…
WOW, y'all are butthurt.
This is why you don't buy consoles at launch. : ) I'll keep myself occupied with FFX:HD and Dark Souls 2 over here on my just dandy ol' PS3, TYVM!
Very little replayability? Are you joking? Between full character customization, weapon customization, blitzball, sidequests, the battle arena, extra aeons, and one HELL of an emotional story, what's not to look forward to replaying?
Honestly, just being able to play this game again for me is enough. (I sold my PS2 and my entire library of games years ago when I was broke... worst decision ever) But I agree.. they could have done a smidge more. Like, in your post, look at Rikku's blue ribbon.. like they really couldn't get that fabric to look…