


...I assume your talking about me? Get over it, it's a figure of speech.

I'd like to know this as well... How do you know if you're infected?

I was a Firefox person for years, but I love Chrome now. It does tend to use more memory, but it loads much faster for me than Firefox ever did. I dont know why, but it always took FF a long time to start on my computer, and then the minute I went to type in a URL, it would slow to a CRAWL to load all the omnibar

Everything IS free.

...What makes you think it's the most secure?? Do you have evidence to back that up?

Ok... As a Web Designer, I feel that you should know that using Internet Explorer is making my life a living HELL. Internet Explorer is the buggiest, least user-friendly browser out there. Most browsers render HTML and CSS very well, but getting a site to work in IE is like pulling teeth. Its a shame that you

i was wondering when someone was going to post this!

Blackbook 13in. I'm still using it. <3

Cool article. A very good read. :] I never cared enough about Windows 8 to learn about it, or even heard of Metro before reading this article, but now I think I will take a look at what they've got!

The Black Keys are one of my new favorites. So glad to see them posted here!

Actually, the situation here isn't really as much about the water itself, but about the electricity used to make it hot for our baths, showers, and laundry.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't try to conserve energy when we can, because currently, we are not using clean forms of energy. However, conservancy is just a band-aid for the root cause of the real problem, in this case being the harmful byproducts of the chemicals we burn on the environment to create the energy

Strictly technicalities. Language is often arbitrary and subject to interpretation. Either is acceptable.

How interesting. Maybe we should just let them be. Maybe they'd be more prone to having sex if we would leave them alone about it. Kind of like when your parents are all in your face about getting a job and then you wake up one morning and say, "Damn, I guess it's about time I started making money."

This is awesome. I'm with some of the other people here who would rather see this executed without the need for cups, though. I feel like it could easily pour water right into your mouth if it was a little bit taller. How does it know when someone is approaching??

Sure, but we could use all the hot water we wanted if we started using more environmentally-friendly sources of energy. :/ The problem is not the over usage of hot water, its the over usage of harmful products to create energy.

Yeah... Except electricity can be obtained through environmental-friendly ways. As long as we move forward with Solar, Wind, and Hydro power, how much electricity we use won't even matter.

"I demand they put these into production so each Solitaire winner can get over the pain of never having completed SkiFree."