
When that was originally written, they meant land-owning white men. 200+ years later, nothing has really changed. 

Her pops is German, so I guess she’s used to funny looking Europeans.

You seem to have misspelled Cesar Romero there.

I’m so over the narrative that Black people are more homophobic or transphobic than any other racial group. It’s such a lazy argument that pathologizes Black people and is rooted in no truth. Black trans women die at higher rates than white trans women because they are Black. Blackness makes them less likely to have

Oh, ‘brothers’ who can forgive Black men ANYthing. But, FACTS:

Look I know we are on the cancel Michael Jackson tour but he invented the music video. Missy is fabulous but MJ made video an art form. As for last night Alyson Stoner coming out made my night but why did Missy get SEVEN MINUTES????!!! I guess we needed to spend all that time with the camera up Talyor Swift’s nose.

Yeah, we judge them.

People want to know your “worth” so they can decide where you belong.”

Disagree. I think people feel exposure, as in the number of times you see a clip/video/whatever posted, directly relates to how much money you make. If you see something posted a zillion times, presumably the performer, of whatever stripe, is making a ton of money. I think that’s why people feel so comfortable about

Yes! I will watch her in anything. 

100% agree!!!

I am old enough to remember Mr. Rustin well. As a child I did not understand why he didn’t receive more public recognition in the Civil Rights movement. It was only long after I became an adult and did some research on him did I understand why he didn’t receive the recognition due him. Glad to see times have changed.

This is so weird. I’m an actual auntie. The first thing I did when I found out my sister was pregnant was buy a onesie for my nephew that said “If you think I’m cute, you should see my Auntie.”

Wearing your pants sagging to where your entire buttocks are exposed is just plain dumb. A few years ago I learned that they make super hero undewear in grown ass man sizes because I saw a grown ass man at the mall with his pants sagging so low I could see his Spiderman drawers. Then just last week, I saw another

Too true.

Did you bother to click on the abcnews story or the voices of those women don’t count on the ‘woke ‘ scale ? People are free to live and express themselves however, I am all for it and will defend thier right to do so without harassment and abuse.

Transwomen need protection from violence as do gay men or anyon else that needs it.

Ben Carson, the world’s most hated Oreo lover...”

Of all the artists, writers, poets, etc that died broke and forgotten, her death is the one that bothers me the most. Her grave site is definitely on my list of places to visit. She deserves flowers.