
ALL HOTDOGS REQUIRE KETCHUP... except for when salsa or bbq sauce is used.

Fuck the Escalade. Fuck it in its stupid asshole. Seriously. This truck is everything that is wrong with modern trucks. Let’s talk about the reasons why it’s so terrible.

I prefer the 02 Navigator over the 02 Escalade

“Do you actually want a muscle car with wide tires and 797 horsepower?” the very serious person asks

Welcome to Jalopnik where everything you just said is wrong! Acceptable modifications to your statement include:

The issue, he said, is that the tech quite likely “classified her as something other than a stationary object.”

Officer: “Do you know why I pulled you over?”

I recognize this may get buried here, as it goes against the prevailing point of view, but I want to provide a counterpoint.

Should we stop calling Ford, Ford? Is Lamborghini still alive today color me impress! What about the Dodge brothers?

Oh no we better not upset the sensibilities of Europeans

Jaguars, Ranked

you most not be an O’s fan