
I guess we read different messages. They weren’t blaming the victims but instead trying to give warning to women. Precaution is also a means of protection.

This doesn’t even matter man. Fuck this guy. If ever there was a purpose/ need for cancel culture. It’s Chris Brown. I’m all for redemption but what went on between him and Rihanna was never redeemed.

I remember when you could walk through Times Square and look up at the building that had MTV and see the window Chris Brown broke when he had a tantrum about being asked about his woman beating on air.  I can’t wait until this guy gets shut down.

First, the fact that any ska band lasts longer than three years given how little you must make splitting booking fees between no less than nine assorted horn players and at least one required skanker is miraculous. Congrats to the BossTones for keeping it going as long as they did and still being able to afford

And Drake’s out here collabing with this POS and nobody’s holding him accountable.

Haha they didn’t even shit on the band they jammed 3 song titles into a few opening sentences. Don’t clutch your checkerboard pearls so hard.

That doesn’t sound like the Chris Brown we all know and love. 

Proper ska, British ska, poser (mostly) ska.

Dear women of the world: stay away from men best known for beating up their girlfriends. Or (in case R. Kelly ever gets out of jail) raping teenagers.

Something about his personality really Grates On Ell.

As long as people don’t go after him for his marijuana use. He has a doctor’s prescription and thus is a Legal Stoner.

And I was convinced that Leo Tré Glans was a true gentleman.

Egon L. Slater is probably the worst part of the movie.

Glert™ on Sale! Come on down and get 1/2 off on any size bottle of Glert

This guy sounds like a Real Snot Leg.

I really can’t see Lego Antlers coming back from this.

Ellen Gasrot

I propose that he always be referred to be an anagram of his name, since his name sounds like it was randomly generated anyway. I’ll start:

Where’s my Droid TSA spinoff?

This was such a great episode of TV, really reinforces the idea that these guys don’t know why they made a boba fett spinoff