Let's eat first

Oh my goodness, young lady, you put us adults to SHAME. Please, someone get her in touch with the Oscar Board, the School Board, heck, the World Board. Can I get an Amen? This child is so inspirational and makes me smile with joy and hope for the future.

Basically, he wants women to dress the way he dresses when he plays dress up.

That’s the thing that gets me. Why are people even buying that overpriced shizzle to begin with? AND, why are you even giving your money to a racist enterprise? Of course, that raises the question of why so many of us actually do purchase so much nonsense from entities that could give a shizzle about us.

OMG, this is so fantastic you can’t even hate. All you can do is admire and envy. BTW, Mr. Tyrese, I love Benihana. So, if you ever need a seat filler at the table, please call me.

And, that my dear, is a capsule of any GOP voter....

Epic photograph. Reminds me of the all night coffee shop piece by Edward Hopper.

Wait, is he holding a cane AND a purse? Oh my god, all he needs to do is add a grey wig and he could be Madea.

Oprah, I have nothing but admiration for you. I would love to join Weight Watchers, but honestly, right now I’m just trying to stay afloat. I just read a story about this young man, Mr. Sims in Houston trying to take care of himself and his mother on a p/t janitorial job and having to decide between food and adult

-U.S. of A.

Awwww, good for her. She looks hella happy in that first photo recording her music. This is probably the most aknowledged she’s felt in a long time. I mean, can you even imagine having Dr. Ben Carson as your husband? You’d need God pretty much 24/7 to stop you from hitting him on the head with a hammer. Or stabbing

Maybe I’m overly sensitive, but it seemed like there was a lot of homophobia in some of the sketches/jokes. Like I just got a wierd vibe watchng the fake Chipendale dancer sketch. I felt uncomfortable several times during this broadcast. I’ve watched SNL since they had bumblebees, The Not Ready for Primetime Players,

I don’t think Chicago needs a black mayor. There are many instances of black mayors in the US who have resorted to corrupt, criminal behavior and exercised willful ignorance in their own best interests. Chicago needs someone who is a native and has a true love for the City and its populace. Someone who has the backing

Quite the strectch. We all know what he means. They move around a lot and are not always in one geographical location. He was obviously not comparing himself to a Syrian refugee or a Honduran looking for political asylum. So, find something real to write about please. You have a terrific platform and you’re wasting it

Don’t even my good friend! Oakland is being destroyed almost daily. It was one of the last bastions of common sense rents and spaces, but once they started with the Temescal District I knew the good times had rolled. Even West Oakland is too pricey and back in the day you could get a place for a song. And, try and

Agreed. My hometown of San Francisco is unrecognizable from my growing up years in the 70’s early 80’s. Everybody came to be part of our unique blend of quirkiness, diversity and liberalism, and in the process completly annihilated all remnants of said quirkiness, diversity and liberalism.

I’m with you. I have been stocking up on vodka. Seriously, every day gets worse. Lord knows what godawful revalations there are to come. I can’t even imagine being incarcerated for a crime I did not commit after I was framed by an officer of the law in the country I was born and pay taxes to.

Thank you for this.

WOW! Thank you for this background. I was born in 1959 and was told the Rosa Parks story time and again. But I never knew about her earlier involvement with the civil rights movement. It still amazes me how far we’ve come in such a short time. I mean, we made a brand new group of people - African Americans and we’ve

Wow. I knew about her groundbreaking support of AIDS research and care. But I did not know she had gone to such lengths. What a true “Dame” in every sense of the word.

He should pray to go to jail. His wife is going to beat him much worse.