>A problem with a Taco? Is that possible?
>A problem with a Taco? Is that possible?
Who cares. Does your level of outrage depend on if she had to show nipples? Quantity? Do you value the left one more over the right one?
The coors seltzer is actually pretty good, if you’re into seltzers.
As an owner, can’t agree more about the powertrain. In this day and age, I should either be getting higher MPG or more power, and honestly both shouldn’t be out of the question. That said, I’ve owned mine for 3 years/50k miles and I could sell the thing tomorrow for not that much depreciation.
Right, nor is it topped with velveeta
Another benefit that no one mentions: At least for guys, peeing in the shower is your best chance at doing kegels for the day
>It’s a little-known COVID-19 side effect
Those people are typically parked on a ton of striped lines. Nowhere ever has “ton of striped lines” equaled “a parking spot for people who don’t want to walk an extra 30 feet”, so its hard to attribute it to ignorance. The reality is this country is full of selfish assholes.
No raindrop believes it is responsible for the flood. Similar to how people complain about traffic but never carpool, take public transportation, or anything else to avoid causing the problem themselves.
You’re paying $30 for then 10lb bag of ice at the gas station? You need a new ice guy
Its youtube, use the period key to advance it frame by frame
Really? I think every time I go there I have to ask for them well done or otherwise I get soggy skin
Those are a cool idea but at the listed MSRP those are way overpriced.
Those are a cool idea but at the listed MSRP those are way overpriced.
Toured a nestle plant once in either May or June, they had just finished up their Halloween run
Amazon definitely carries it, I wouldn’t be surprised to find it at some local grocery stores either. If you have a place that sells canning supplies they will also have it.
Louis CK and making people uncomfortable by his insistence on doing what he wants, name a more iconic duo
Its political to them because they get their health advice from the same politician who thinks windmills cause cancer. So by this article suggesting you follow science’s advice, obviously this is anti-trump. His cultists are delusional.
Soybeans can easily grow 5' tall, we’ve had some that were over 6'.
>overpriced Tacoma
Don’t look at just the purchase price of the Tacoma, look at the selling price. Those things are savings accounts (and earn nearly as much interest!)
Ditto, except we always called it “asian coleslaw”. Gotta love the midwest