
Hopefully she DOES.

I like it.

What galls me are the folks who complain and complain about the guy who has golds in kills, damage, objective kills and objective time, is on fire most of the match, like — they can’t do EVERYTHING for you, kid! Try putting your pants on and contributing something!

I don’t get hyped about too many games these days, but I’m absolutely primed for Persona 5, and it’s precisely because of things like this. I got that vibe from P4, I suppose its ‘rural’ setting contributed to its, I have to presume, Showa-sense. Being born in 1981, that is the kind of imagery I most associate with

It totally holds up. I watch it and Samurai Champloo maybe once a year.

I think this is an excellent point. I came to throw down my usual love for Cowboy Bebop but you’re totally right. It’s fantastic, but it doesn’t really improve upon repeated watchings.

I remember playing the pressure pad version as a kid, and really hurt my hand with it. The resistance was so high that you couldn’t just press them like buttons at all, and really just smash it for all you’re worth just for a jab (at least, all a 7- or 8-year-old is worth). It was terrible.

Underappreciated is right. Wild ARMs was great - I loved the whole series. Well, except for Wild ARMs 2, that localization turned it into an abomination.

For sure, and their recent patch which makes breaking free/running away/jumping around/attacking more frequent seems designed to make you waste pokeballs so you have to buy more. I’m at level 20 and have had multiple CP100+ critters waste multiple berries & ultra balls before running away now, and I’ve just about had

Now here’s a headline I can get behind.

I live in a pretty white area, and yet old people are calling 911 because of these roving gangs of teenagers having the temerity to “go outside and play.”

She hasn’t been in the news in awhile. What a perfect opportunity to get a little publicity!

I never thought I’d see the day that someone would make Jubilee look kinda cool.

Yeah, P3 and onward are definitely lighter on the whole concept of the ‘persona’ that they try to present in 1 & 2 & 2 part 2; I suppose it’s part of the tradeoff for accessibility.

Having played Final Fantasy from the beginning, I totally get you, but even with the PSP remakes, they just don’t hold up in the same way. The way dungeons and battles are handled just hasn’t aged nearly as well. The stories and characters might be great — and I am working my way through them myself right now — but

Definitely spend some time going through Persona 4 if you can, not that you’ll need to for 5, but it’s such a fantastic game. It’s time very well spent. You might enjoy 3 also, but 4 refined the battle system from 3 a considerable amount.

This is evoking nostalgia for me, for a time and place I didn’t experience. My only exposure to Japan growing up in the 80s was through media and the occasional news story, but I get the sense that 1980s and 1990s Japan was a more markedly unique place than it is today, and some of that feeling comes across to me in

I find it fascinating how comparing modem speed upgrades almost always invoke the concept of rocket travel. I remember upgrading from a 2400 to 14.4k modem and thinking it was like a rocket boost for the PC, and I remember reviews of early 56k modems being described as “hitching a ride on a rocket.”

Yeah I’m with ya - that kinda lady was totally my type back then. Looking at that header is totally a kind of time warp for me. Whew.

It’s not that he dismisses it as heresy. 000 is hitting a rather sore spot with Vader, the way I’m reading it. A force-using droid “more man than machine” when he could well be described the other way around. Here’s a guy who hates the state of his existence, meanwhile his droid is telling him what a great idea it is.