
"I haven't played this very recent detective game but why aren't there any detective games?"

Could be, but I like to be able to financially support the creators of content I enjoy.

Basically I love the shit out of this program and can't wait to get the new season here on Netflix.

He threatened to afflict his brother with the nine curses of the nine devils of the nine circles if he didn't let him be Fei Long first.

Sure, I can give it that without hesitation. Wild ARMs 2 (really, the series in general) has had a great soundtrack.

Werd. There's a lot of really fall-flat-on-face elements.

Well, it's one of my favorites so I'll lick that shit up and down, but I can understand how people wouldn't be crazy about it. I just think they did a *really* similar sequence, and executed it better.

I liked it better when Final Fantasy IV did it.

Oh god. Wild ARMs 2 needs to stay dead and buried, if only for its miserable translation alone. It was so bad. It was as if *I'd* translated it.

Yeah, they are pretty douchey. I think the big thing for me is that they are all self-aware and I guess I just don't think that's cool, and they're not funny so maybe it's just lost on me.

I actually kind of hate Brentalfloss. I realize he's not really working with a lot, but none of his lyrics seem particularly witty, and it's just kind of unnecessary - I really don't want classic tunes to have lyrics.

I remember pulling the wrapping paper off one of these back in 1985. Man that was the best day ever. If I could recapture and bottle that feeling, well, that'd be a hell of a thing.

True or balse: You know you've been in Japan when you call it 'basket'(basuketo) instead of basketball.

But as long as Nintendo isn't making cell phones, they won't be having their most famous employee talk about how great cell phone games are.

Yes. Yes I can.

Seems like everyone's hit most of the salient points already, I didn't get to weigh in before heading out earlier today, but I wanted to get in on this anyway.

Sure, though I'd argue it's more than just dudeitude that gets us giving more value to a car than a ring. I mean, you can't haul stuff in a ring. A ring isn't gonna save your life in an accident.

She can afford it? Great. I'd rather she make a responsible financial decision rather than assign some kind of arbitrary value to a thing based on its retail cost, as opposed to its emotional/sentimental value.

Aw man, Grunt Birthday Party never gets old. I love that skull to pieces. If party horns and confetti and children cheering could happen every time I get a headshot or something in all my shooters, that would be great.

Well. Certainly you pay for quality. Congratulations on being expected to be a blowout, financially, but if that's the case, then you should also know that there is such a thing as a point of diminishing returns. Eventually you're just paying for what, more diamond or denser metal, maybe a more ornate fitting. You can