
Do kids even *say* "grody" anymore? I don't think they do. In any event there are clearly multiple issues in this story, but I'm surprised that this 13-year-old was not discriminating enough that she would sleep with the guy multiple times. I mean look at that dude. He just LOOKS like he drives an unmarked, windowless

It's a variation on the "horizontal mambo" and its ilk. I am happy you laughed.

Fo' sho. I was just hedging a bet since I'm willing to bet LoRD is unplayed by about 65% of the folks reading.

I used to play on BBSes all the time as a kid. One of the most popular games was a text-y RPG called Legend of the Red Dragon, which when I think back on it, was kind of a precursor to all these mobile and Facebook games with the daily allotment of turns and etc.

@ethic: This right here is a comment among comments.

@Fatboots & @Gadriel - I suppose it depends on whether or not you accept an acronym as a substitute for what they are referring to. I can't seem to find anything that states one way or the other.

@Fatboots: Except FPS is an acronym for First Person Shooter, so you'd be saying "it's an first person shooter" and that ain't grammatically good.

I like it! She's apocalicious!

Why... why does Chun Li have four knees?

@radinplaid: My LP records and cassette tapes beg to differ with your old guy act. =)

@Trakata: Freakin' A that is my favorite music video of all time.

Ever since I got onto Macs and began using OS X, Spotlight has been the only launcher I need.

@Coigleach: No need for snippiness, you claim the GBA as your gaming nostalgia place and its oldest version is 10 years old. It's easy to peg you as young, man.

@HandsomeHorse: Nope. In fact most 20 year olds have to hide out under their beds until they turn 21. It's pretty terrifying stuff. Especially hot model types - all those tentacles showing up everywhere. You know what I mean.

@CTJoyce: Speak for yourself, bro. :smug: