
For my money Titanfall 1 has *by far* the best mp gameplay this generation. Where it fell short was bells and whistes. Carrots to chase. Visual variety.

Its not covered much in America because they were a minor player at best. In other places its a much much bigger deal.

Ya the first is weak, thus why I used “potentially” for 4. I think there is a chasm between 2/3 and 1/4. I was a pretty big fan of 2/3, and im not hyperbolic when I say UC4 might be a 6.

The animation and visuals as usual were top notch in UC4. Im still baffled how poor it was when you actually controlled it though. Somehow manages to be potentially the weakest in the series. It ranged from mediocre to mind numbingly awful.

Its similar. Forgettable overall story and side cast, but following Lara is great.

Fire Emblem diehard here. If you ask me, fates is one of the worst titles in the series. The story/world is embarassing and cliche anime garbage, rather than something with a modicum of seriousness.

No Path of Radiance? Its arguably the best game in the FE series. This list needs to be edited desperately.

Like he cares. A lot of undeserved money was made.

I still feel like I need to give it another shot. People loved the first so much, and I put about 5 hours in but just couldn’t keep going. A large part of the reasoning was how childish it seemed. Maybe that evolved with time, but I never got to that point.

I always thought it was one of the more liked campaigns. Personally it right up there at the top of the series for me with Cod 4 and Bo1.

BO1 is every bit as good or better on a campaign and mp level.

MW3 I bought the season pass like an idiot, then it turned out to be the worst CoD ever. Forced myslef to try and find ways to have fun. Regret every second.

I just wish the show could keep some of the nuanced, deep, complex storytelling. It started off with it, but has since thrown it out the window for simplicity and mass market appeal. That doesn’t make it a bad product, but I wish I could have the best of both worlds.

Its no Tomb Raider, but it does look very good.

I love the RE series with the exception of 6. This looks like some B tier horror garbage. I still want the game to be Resident Evil here.

Shes thinking of the millions of gamers that are going to give her a virtual pounding.

So damn excited for this. Even light on content, Titanfall is by far my favorite shooter this gen. Cannot wait for this.

I want to avoid W10 like the plague. The powers they have given themselves and how consumer unfriendly it could be are ridiculous. Of course a lot of those scenarios are unlikely, but ill be holding onto 7 as long as I can.

Franchise fatigue. Change from something a little more immersive to jetpacks and victory dances. Skillcap dropping, tiny maps, poor netcodes on most of the last 4-5 games. The campaigns have somehow become terrible. In short, the last universally praised CoD was BO1.

As long as you can go on MURDER sprees in something like Gta, that puts everything else on the table as far as I’m concerned, as it should be.