
Cause we're 'Mericans!

Theres always a new one thats about to cone out!

Hell, even if it was pay per game I would do it! I don't get my home team out here at college :(

Finally! Its about time!

And even worse, they're on amazon for $7.85 with prime shipping, so its not even a deal really.

Lifehacker actually just posted an article about this a few days ago.

Well, thanks to Adblock, no, I didn't.

Challenge accepted!

I don't plan on it. I was simply saying why Google/Mozilla would want to be able to do it, which you seemed to be concerned by.

Because not everyone likes Metro, and people don't want to be forced to use just that?

For comparison, the actual richest person in the world only has $69 bil.

Well, better get Damage Control on it!

Schrodinger's Jury!

Sorry, thats not 911. Thats 0118 999 881 999 119 725. 3.

I dont know about you, but I used to work at a boat rental place and loved when I got tipped! Granted, its not typically expected to give a tip in that situation, so when I personally got tipped (not just them putting tips in the tip jar), I always felt good.

You only live once, so don't screw it up by getting thousands of dollars in debt by ruining houses you don't own while still in high school.

These kids ARE parents! Duh!

I feel like this just can't be true, but its on the internet, so it must be!