
I can just imagine the random people that know nothing about this going "OMG WHY IS MY COMPUTER BROKEN?!"

I used to use Pidgin, but I didn't like its facebook chat or skype integration, so I switched to IMO. Never looked back. The only thing I don't like is that it doesnt support Xfire. And, apparently (or so one of my friends that Ive tried to message on it has told me), if you message from IMO to fb, it makes the person

One word: SUPER PAC!!!!

Have these candidates ever thought of buying out the domains from these people?

Hmm, thats an interesting idea. And we can get rid of the keyboard to! Just put it on the screen. Then just make a minimalist OS, maybe the one they used for that phone thingy that some people have. Brilliant!

"I'm sure as hell going to try and loosen up my blogging by giving it a shot."

A Macbook with a touchscreen that can flip around to be a tablet, and dual book osx and ios? (or run osx and can run ios apps? or something?)

The pillars were discovered in 1995. They discovered that the supernova destroyed them (or, would destroy them from our perspective) in 2007.

They could have still been there, as we did not discover the supernova that destroyed them until after we discovered them. If it wasn't for the supernova, the pillars might still be there (or at least would have been there longer until being destroyed by something else).

Chipotle is amazing! But Qdoba is better. And Austin Gril is far worse.

VOTE: Netflix

Chrome 18.0.1025.7 is where its at!

I think the problem is the amount of money that it costs to send a doctor to space to be nothing but a doctor (especially if its to Mars like they said in the article). I'm not sure about this, but I feel like they give all the astronauts a certain amount of medical training so they can handle the basics, and maybe

I hate Apple. I don't own an iPhone. But I want one of these cases anyways!

Right now, my desk at work not only has multiple monitors, but multiple computers. Ive got a dual monitor pc display, an old iMac sitting up high on a shelf, and my laptop. Its not too much, is it?

Nope. Caucasian, born and raised in Maryland.

One of my family's Christmas traditions is eating Chinese. Its actually a really popular tradition where we come from.

Ad block. Not fool proof!

Or will they?

I've been using the same default password for 90% of my accounts that I have been using for the past 5 years. 6 lowercase letters. Stored in chrome's unencrypted password manager. And, it has been on sites where the security was compromised and the passwords released (I'm looking at you Gawker sites!!!).