
Better yet, have that hot chick in the passenger seat driving your stick. (sorry about the terrible double entendre)

This makes complete sense!

Just download a magzine app to your iPad! Oh, wait....

RIM should buy it. Itd be a lot better than their current attempts.


Imposible. She must have never seen the muppets. You must force her to go with you so she can experience the joy that we all enjoy. She will thank you afterwards.

$100? Thats more than I keep in my real wallet. Thats like $40-$50 tops unless I plan on spending lots of cash. Usually, its more like $20.

We are the 98%!

My high school's engineering program had a 3d printer. And since I was one of only 8 people in it, I got to abuse it :) Those were some good times...

Shoulda gotten another guy with one in the front and did portals.

I have just basic cable plus an Xbox 360 with Netflix. But the amount I watch tv has gone down a lot since I started college.

Your comment was good enough to make me forget about the fire alarm that woke me up this morning. Thank you.

So, is that a sleeping bag or a bed?

Hey, be quiet, I want my placebo!

Well, theres also the fact that some of his younger kids might have questions about him later on (his youngest is only 12 or 13)

They probably put weights down on it while they were making it to keep it from completely being destroyed.

iPhone 6 will come installed with Apple's newest acquisition, WebOS, instead of iOS.

While I do agree that it needs to be kept open, I feel that Google should be working more closely with Motorola to make their products better, and produce better competition within the Android environment.

Its that, ramen, and spam.