
Everyday: Phone, flash drive

"Only 53% of adults know how long it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun."

And don't watch this video on your phone. This will drive them crazy.

We used to have Comcast. It was terrible. The internet went down constantly, the cable box broke several times, and the phone service wasn't very good quality either.


I can just imagine a tweet along these lines:

I completely agree! For a mobile browser, Mini is definitely better than HD. And the old icons reminded me of the days when I used to use firefox!

So, the decision was based completely on the dimensions of the two devices being similar?

Screw hanging out with Katy Perry, I'd take credit if Steven Colbert covered it!

I always go with FBISurveillanceVan26.

We had a 3D printer in the engineering building of my high school. Since there were 8 people in my senior engineering class (which was the school's major engineering program), guess who got to abuse it!

I have a TABLET with a 4.8" screen. It's big. It's a nice size for a tablet, but I would never be able to use it as a phone because of how big it is. It wouldn't be able to fit in my pocket if I tried! I could see this working as an android handheld 3d gaming tablet, but not as a phone.

So did I! Now, I'm 6' 3" and 135 lbs.

Bacon is implied.

You can't recycle a greasy pizza box? Oops....

I always put my phone in the front right and wallet in the front left! (change goes in the wallet)

So, I tried to put the formula into wolfram alpha, but its too long :(

It is possible to have more than one value for x in this situation because of all the squares

Holy crap! Look at how big the grass is on the box!

but dolphins ARE whales!