
The doctor doesn't pay anything, the malpractice insurance company pays. Then they raise their rates to cover the cost. The the hospitals charge more to cover that cost. Then your insurance premiums go up to cover that cost. So in the end, you are paying for their mistake.

Not any more, that one closed.

It works both ways too. I am a man and in college I was working at a snack bar that served burgers, fries, soda, etc as part of the dining system. The manager was this very unfortunate looking girl who thought she was super hot and called all the male employees her "boy toys."

Chew and spit... sounds familiar.

What about this one? It's a Ferrari granted, but I think it lends something to this conversation.

Looks like someone was trying out the "pull and pray" method.

I think it was the other way around.

Tried and succeeded at having sex with me.

I told everyone in my beginning english class in college that I was married (for no particular reason, I was bored). I was a junior and everyone else was a freshman so I figured I would never see any of them outside of class. Turns out one of them was in a beginning ceramics class that was in the adjoining room to

I'm sure they aren't using it as any kind of official speed guage, so if it's off by a little due to atmospheric changes it isn't a big deal.

Oh Linux it totally capable of handling what most people would want to do with it, however are most people capable of handling Linux?

Unless you are running Linux you will need to buy the OS too.

Weekend at Bernie's?

You have clearly never met a true Cocksman, a man of such vigor and vitality that he cannot be contained by a mere drugstore prophylactic.

Well, guess I'll just stick with giving monetary gifts to college students in dire need...

It's Japan so I'm guessing.... squid liver.

Money, plain and simple. Putin put on a big song and dance and promised to spend something like 14 billion dollars to put on the games. Now that the costs have overrun 50 billion dollars, it's more of an embarrassment to be spending that much money.

Everyone assumes the train must travel over land. If they submerged the system in the ocean, it would eliminate the concerns about digging tunnels or elevating the tracks. It could have a nice gentle curve so no worries about the lateral force. If it goes out to international waters, there would be no red tape or

It's not perpetual motion if the energy is being collected from the sun. The sun will eventually burn out.

To me it's far scarier when you look at the number of nuclear weapons the US has LOST!!