
My take away was that the maesters are all just so old and incontinent that they don't bother to get up to the bathroom.

I won't spoil anything!

Are the suits from AMC any more likely to travel to rural Georgia?

I wonder when they'll start genetically testing child actors to see if they can detect potential growth spurts before casting them on multi-season shows with compact timelines.

You can tell this aired before the new Twin Peaks.


A 30 for 30 about old WFAN callers would actually be great! Some of these people were minor celebrities for years, yet they were anonymous and if they stopped calling no one would know what happened to them. Then there's Joe Bedingo who achieved the ultimate dream of going from crazy caller to WFAN host.

Man, I loved listening to WFAN late at night as a kid - Steve Somers, later Joe Bedingo and all of the wacky callers. The callers were mysterious and sad so it had kind of a voyeuristic appeal. Like you said, what kind of person wants to scream about the Mets at 2:30 AM? I would imagine these lonely men in filthy

There a plenty of shows intended for a "broad audience." I don't recall seeing this as advertised the way you suggest and I don't know why you'd expect such a thing from an "18 hour movie" directed by David Lynch. The only Lynch film I've seen in its entirety other than Twin Peaks is Mullholland Drive and I'm

Such a stupid move. I get that AMC or FX migh be under pressure from advertisers to not air a show during a holiday weekend when there may be less viewers on first run, but why does Showtime care? They re-run it 50 times during the week and have a streaming service. It's not 1990 where everyone would just miss the

This may be mentioned, but too many comments. Could the bug swallowing girl be Linda, the wife of Harry Dean Stanton's friend with the name mentioned by The Giant? Although I guess she would be about 75 years old. Do we know Mrs. Treemont's first name? She exists out of time, but the younger Mrs. Treemont was around

I've been rewatching Season 2 and doing the same thing - Cooper, Major and sometimes Ben Horne/Jacoby (although I tuned out once he started with the celery sticks). Unfortunately, after experiencing the quality of Season 3 it's become a chore to get through some of those episodes. I'm really dreading when Wyndham

If they were 15 in 1956 they would be 49 in 1990.

I was kind of hoping Lynch would throw in one of those horrible CGI owls during this episode.

Well, if Cooper can fit through an outlet…

I was relieved that the frog-bug didn't crawl in through her ear.

Hate to see what Tails would have brought her.

Way too young to be Cooper. Those kids would be around 50 years old during the time of the original series.

It was Kafka.

Even if the put it out in advance at some point we still have to wait 2 weeks for a new episode.