I think that just goes to show what a monstrous machine Scientology is and how they’ve been able to control the narrative for so long through their use of lawyers, paid off cops and politicians, and tons of money poured into PR crap.
I think that just goes to show what a monstrous machine Scientology is and how they’ve been able to control the narrative for so long through their use of lawyers, paid off cops and politicians, and tons of money poured into PR crap.
Yes, it sounds weird, but I gave Power of Attorney to my daughter when I got divorced in my 50s right after my divorce. It’s never been used, but it’s there so if I get hit by a bus or need someone to take over, she can just step in. Someone in Feinstein’s position might want a trusted relative to handle the day to…
I wish Leah the best of luck here. I’ve always found the adoration for Tom Cruise to be weird, especially since it’s broadly known how integral he is to Scientology. People on Reddit love him and will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to excuse him. “Scientology bad, but the new Mission Impossible was amazing!”
I have no problem with a third Senate term; 1st term you’re a rookie, 2nd you should have a firm grasp on what you’re doing, 3rd you can mentor the freshmen and vote your conscience without worrying about what it does to you next cycle.
18 year term limits. Congress is different than the other branches in that it takes longer to master being able to move between D.C. and your home districts (especially if you’re from out west and have to travel a lot), but that’s essentially one generation’s worth of time. 3 Senate terms, 9 House terms. That’s more…
Same with the Supreme Court. That lifetime appointment shit was written when people were lucky to see their 50th birthday. It was never intended to let 70 and 80 year olds live out their golden year making public policy.
They’re a combined 171 years old. It almost doesn’t matter how you slice that up, they’re too old to be even driving cars (or it defies time). Fuck this shit, kick these old ass mother fuckers out of their roles. All roles in American politics, corporations, etc. these older generations are just not fucking letting go…
All the counseling in the world doesn’t mean shit if you won’t admit your criminal actions are, in fact, criminal.
My behavior, while not criminal,
“My behavior, while not criminal...”
He built a vault for his guns, there’s no way for her to know it’s also a murder room.
Thank god!
A neighbor who had nothing positive to say about Heuermann told the Post that police told him at the scene that they were concentrating their recovery efforts on his basement. “This guy is a wacko”
There is a pederast mimicking my username in the grays. It has a disgusting comment history and has at various times mimicked other users on Kinja.
“People that perpetrate crimes like this are evil.”
If you’re just going to kill yourself, do that first.
“While clothing and hairstyles are easy to experiment with new styles, in my opinion, surgery should aim for timeless beauty.”
Meeting people just gets harder when you’ve stopped drinking. You realize just how much people’s entire ideas of leisure and recreation consist of “let’s go to a bar” and “let’s have a few drinks.”
“... I’d rather risk them thinking I used to be a raging alcoholic who had to quit versus someone who just didn’t like to drink. That’s some entrenched thinking about the role of alcohol and how it plays into our identities.”
Loved this. I quit drinking a few weeks before the start of the pandemic which makes it...checks watch...just over 3 years. My drinking wasn’t out of control when comparing it to the narrative we’ve been fed around what qualifies as worth quitting over but it certainly was gray area and as a daughter of an alcoholic…