Yes you are. Why do you find caring for disabled people ruins your holiday fantasies?
Yes you are. Why do you find caring for disabled people ruins your holiday fantasies?
I mostly despise this film, but I would watch a spinoff of Rowan Atkinson’s character helping random strangers find love through acts of infuriating fussiness.
Abusers, defenders of that abuse, bullies, and other monsters have destroyed and weaponized the term “forgiveness.”
The press have lost the plot and it shows in their unpopularity. There is no informational value to this wedding. This is about the reporters’ egos and their self worth being tied to access to the powerful/powerful adjacent. These “journalists spent months sitting on actual public interest information just to make…
Given that Hilary is still lurking under Republican beds, I’m sure they’ll find a way to make Nancy even scarier once she’s less visible. Further, I expect AOC will be their big bad until familiarity with members of the new leadership builds in their viewership’s imagination
I have had four miscarriages, each unique. One was exactly like this, down to the emergency room visit, except I live in Illinois so they treated me like a human being. Her gyne didn’t “recommend bleeding out.” Pregnancy losses (Christina’s is known medically as a “missed abortion”) sometimes pass on their own, and…
All miscarriages are none of your business. I think it’s maybe best to avoid judging women and blaming the victim, especially since it does nothing to solve the actual problem: that Christina was denied lifesaving care and almost died because of an abortion ban in Ohio. She didn’t do anything wrong. Each pregnancy…
What seems to be absent from a lot of the articles I’ve read that interview providers is any concern about being sued for malpractice. Perhaps this is a simplistic interpretation, but the oath is to do no harm, and I can’t think that they aren’t aware that delaying necessary care and racking up a patient’s medical…
I have that same question, but mostly, why her doctor wouldn’t schedule the D&C immediately after finding out the baby had no heartbeat. That seems like bad practice.
Doctors need to be more afraid of having a patient die than of going to prison. It is pretty easy to prove a pregnancy is not viable, and the threat that continuing it poses to the life and health of the mother both physical AND mental.
Seriously, medical professionals need to stop being such wimps and step up.
If I understood correctly the bleeding didn’t start until she was in Ohio but I was surprised that the DC doctor would let her wait that long before doing a D&C, even if she wasn’t bleeding. I get letting her try to miscarry naturally but several weeks seems like too long.
Is it really normal to let women miscarry over the course of weeks before a D&C is performed? I remember helping a friend go through her miscarriage and she was also sent home to miscarry naturally but it was a matter of days, not weeks. It seems odd that the healthcare providers in DC would let it go on for so long…
Not only no one pregnant, but ESPECIALLY someone actively miscarrying. What on earth?
I want to be very clear that she should have absolutely gotten the medical care she needed immediately, no questions asked. There is no excuse for these archaic laws that put actual lives in jeopardy. The abortion laws are restrictive, dangerous bullshit and shouldn’t exist.
That said, I have to question someone who is…
What is truly fucking perplexing to me is how this woman’s DC-based doctor, an area of the country that does NOT have an abortion ban, could have in their right mind recommended bleeding out vs getting a D&C or taking medication. If somebody medical on here knows better then please correct me but that seems so…
The case is absolutely appalling. No woman should be put at risk in this way.
Yeah that choice honestly blew my mind especially since she knew she was going to miscarry soon. I would not be traveling to a state my medical care could be limited if I were in here situation but no one should have to take that into consideration.
As a tactical matter, nobody pregnant should voluntarily travel to a red state like Ohio.
Con men don’t need to be smart, just smarter than the people they con.
Slate had a similar list right after Dobbs, and...nothing from the Biden administration then either.