
I hope she took all that gofundme money and is off to Zihuatanejo, Shawshank style. 

You go, sister.

It’s almost like running a company for a week isn’t a long enough time to understand everyone’s roles (even if they seem superfluous or redundant at first look) and is definitely not enough time to reorganize the remaining half of your workforce to a) keep the site running, and b) figure out how to deliver on a new

*mean, spiteful laughter*

So company that is prepared to dump you in the shitter at a moments notice, would desperately like you back because it turns out you were more useful than they anticipated.

This wardrobe stylist, who has always felt that mannequins should be used instead of children, couldn’t agree more.

Now that CGI is so advanced, let’s ban the use of children in entertainment. It’s not worth the risk. RIP AC

Nah, you're wrong. I think she needs to apologize for launching this dipshit. Along with Dr. Phil, as many others (who aren’t in the greys like me) have said. She’s very powerful, and she oughta vet these people better before promoting them up to these levels.

Dr. Oz was piece of human garbage long before he decided to run for office. The Behind the Bastards podcast episode dedicated to Oz is amazing, and complete.

I’ve been with you on this subject every time some Gawker site puts up another Oprah article! Absolutely correct in your assessment.

John of God, hell yes. Google it, people, or, if you like podcasts, listen to the Behind the Bastards episode on John of God. You won’t believe your fucking ears.

Agreed. I feel like this article has missed the point that Dr. Oz was a deeply harmful quack long before he decided to run for the Senate, and he never would have had the reach he’d had if not for Oprah. At the very least, she should express some remorse for giving him a megaphone and many millions of dollars’ worth

As another commenter pointed out below, this is a pattern with her. Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, etc., etc. She gives quacks and nutjobs a platform and makes them rich because her audience believes in her.

You’re wrong. It’s not about “endorsement,” it’s about helping Oz shill dangerous quackery to a huge segment of the American public.

Can we blame her for platforming and legitimizing notorious sexual abuser John of God?  What about Dr Phil and all the kids he sent off to be abused at programs for ‘problem’ children?  She has a terrible record of platforming terrible people.

What about Dr. Phil? Can we still ask her to apologize for him? Or foisting “The Wish” (or whatever that bullshit sorcery she was promoting was called) on people as legit?

In my opinion, this is a bad take. She’s not responsible for his choices, and his choice to run. She is responsible for platforming him and not doing her due-diligence first. She has a history of platforming extremely problematic and damaging individuals without ever coming forward to denounce the damaging things they

Counterpoint: Dr. Oz would have not have come close to sniffing any political success whatsoever if she hadn’t plucked him from whatever fucking rathole he was in and made him famous.

She doesn’t love you anymore than Bezos does.

Just to be clear, Jezebel’s take is that people who give others a massive platform bear no responsibility if the person they gave a platform to is a nightmare?

I mean, he’s objectively a quack. I don’t know anyone who’s blaming Oprah directly for his decision to run, but she gave him a massive, legitimized platform and has never, not once, spoken publicly about how that was a mistake. I know it’s bad form to speak out, unprompted, against a friend or former friend, but he