
She should have simply drawn an analogy to lead, asbestos, and nicotine regulation. Acting like the ubiquity of petrochemicals means petrochemicals are good for us is like the people who opposed removing lead from gasoline and moving away from the use of lead and asbestos and increasing regulation of nicotine. It

“from a biblical perspective, I am an environmentalist.”

Good for you. Some of us understand that we’re only US citizens through LUCK. Not skill, not magic, luck, the luck of having been born to people who lived in this country. Let’s not pretend that people born in Texas are any more deserving of living in Texas than people who risk their lives crossing the Rio Grande to

Indiana AG Rokita claims Doctor Bernard remains under investigation for legally providing an abortion to an 11 year old rape victim.

Which could have resulted in them being charged under state laws and not being able to practice anyway, which impacts an even larger segment of the community that needs them.

Yep, CNN just reported that a moment ago and I hope that this remains a central point of discussion around this fucked-up garbage stunt. Also, networks are focusing on the millions of dollars Florida and Texas are spending, and I’m glad - all of this to basically further traumatize these refugees just for a “gotcha”

Yes, it is technically kidnapping. Putting people on a bus, plane or whatever, then lying about where they’re being taken. Also, kidnapping is a federal crime, I’m hoping the FBI takes note.

Yeah, this seems oddly close to the definition of “kidnapping” actually.

The bit should have been over when the camera focused on the winner in the audience. They had plenty of time to get off the stage before the winner got up there. Poorly thought out and rude to boot. 

Two things can be true at the same time. She was a mostly powerless, symbolic figurehead AND the most easily identifiable representative of a regime which has committed genocide around the world.

Some irish thoughts about the monarchy:

Sorry but someone who may well be a descendent of the Stolen Generation has every right to say that.

You know, you are undoubtedly allowed to kill someone when you have a reasonable fear that you are in imminent danger of severe harm or death from that person. I would think anything that purports to be a “justice” system would take seriously the possibility that a child who had just repeatedly been sexually assaulted

This is a horrible story. One sort of kind of silver lining - a GoFundMe established to pay her restitution and tuition raised almost $200K in one day:

Indian Twitter coming hot too.

She has other grandchildren which I’m sure tried to be present.  Notice how they are not mocked but Meghan is. 

Noticed many of the usual suspects in response to Uju Anya’s tweet are claiming QE2 was not a colonial monarch.

Meanwhile the Northern IRISH segments of the internet are having it UP. I didn’t know there was an Irish chant for when enemies died until I saw a video of a football match in Dublin yesterday with the crowd chanting “Lizzy’s in a box.” The more you know!

This is absolutely insane. The republicans have conveniently forgotten the very definition of a republic is to shun monarchs. Anything for a chance to shit on some brown/black people.

If you want a totally different take on the Queen’s passing, just go look at Irish Twitter, they have their own opinions on things that make the CMU post look rather tame.