
Then ridicule her for harassing Maggie Gyllenhaal (if in fact she did that.) The reason not to engage in rampant gay speculation with regard to Taylor Swift is not because Taylor Swift is some great person, it’s because engaging in gay speculation like this is wrong regardless of the subjectbut especially where the

I feel like it’s probably not okay to treat a real life human being as if they’re a fictional character to be shipped with whatever other character/person via slash fiction (which is what this sort of rampant speculation feels like: wish thinking and open fantasizing.) I get—do not agree with, but get—that even among

I dunno. Is it right for there even to be a discussion of is she gay or not? Does it matter? It’s the f-d up thing about being an entertainer. We don’t have a right to their private lives.

There is no artist working today who gives their fans what Swift does: curated, intimate access that doesn’t feel curated. It’s part of Swift’s genius. Since the very first album, she’s hidden Easter eggs for discerning fans in the physical world—in separate album editions, in concert programs, in books, and in

This is way too much writing for something that is not our business. 

I did find it funny how her writing songs that aren’t explicitly heteronormative (whether for altruistic inclusivity, capitalistic opportunism, or maybe both) is now declared to be evidence of “queerbaiting” about her sexuality...

This. I don’t care if she is lesbian, bi, pan, asexual or whatever, it is her call to tell us or not. It is not up to the “fans” to out her.

Swift never spoke out about the fan-on-fan doxxing and outing. Paradoxically, outing is what every Gaylor fan worries they might be doing to their megastar. They want to talk about her potential queerness. They also want to give her the space to come out, as queer fans understand the difficulty of coming out before

Definitely saving my sympathy for the employees. “Someone told me I could buy immortality” sounds very much like something someone who just got caught stealing would say to garner sympathy.

And now these people will be even more famous and probably get all the money due to what they did from speaking gigs and such.

I was vegan for well over a decade. Everything you posted can be applied to much of the vegan community. The movement is largely classiest and often racist. It has only gotten worse. Communities would downplay sexual assault against women because cows are also raped. They frequently compare vegan activism to the civil

I’m not. I met him at a convention and he made some VERY inappropriate comments to/in front of my 15-year-old son. Both of us walked away from the encounter feeling seven different kinds of skeevy. If I’d known about this song, I never would’ve allowed Kidlet within 500 feet of him.


I totally think Whedon talked so much shit about her because she didn’t want to pretend to be his best friend in what little spare time she had outside of Buffy.

Yes, but for me it helps that they were out of high school and had jobs not at the "meat palace".

I once spoke to someone who interned on the Buffy set and they said that at the time they found SMG demanding but when they look back on it they realized that SMG was just advocating for a better work schedule and better safety measures and in that time in Hollywood that sort of thing was looked at as being

by bringing the suit he should have all his evidence of defamation in hand; I suspect he will push it by saying whatever he did to her was consensual. She will probably defend by saying it wasn’t defamatory, it was the truth. I think requesting a jury trial will be a big miscalculation for him because once she’s on

He’s just doing it because he’s an abusive asshole. He doesn’t care whether he wins. Taking it right out of his buddy Kanye’s handbook. Just keep showing up so they stay tormented.

Strictly speaking, it’s more Johnny Depp than Trump.