
Except, it was every bit as crass when it was just rich (white) men’s wives both running it and attending it. The Met Gala in its current form, is just an opportunity for corporate fashion to advertise. The hope is that getting a large amount of money at the end and that it is not all eaten up in operating expenses.

Eva Chen’s dress is uninspired and even if with bold colours it manages to be bland.

I love Jackie Aina – I think she’s beautiful, smart, and talented, and I’ve commented here many times when people ask about beauty gurus and Youtubers to follow. But this outfit ... it doesn’t do it for me. (Though it might just be this photo. On her Instagram it was a really cute little Barbie moment, but here it

Here ya go

Between this and the VMA pics it does kinda feel like the evil rich people in the Hunger Games.  But I can’t fault Lil Nas X for dressing like C3PO.

This is the worst themed costume party ever.

Thanks for sharing that info! I felt like there had to be more behind his outfit.

Dan Levy’s look is a tribute to American artist (and AIDS activist) David Wojnarowicz. It is inspired by his piece “F**k You F**got F**ker”. His purse is printed with the piece “Untitled (One Day This Kid...)“, which makes me cry and I can’t imagine carrying it around all night without bursting into tears but I think

This is so boring-come on folks. I want stars and stripes! I want color! I want some 1770s style corsetry! American Independence came during the era of panniers and stupid amounts of petticoats. I want some black liberation colors-maybe a giant fro. Something. 

When I gave birth (at the hospital my husband works at) in March my husband told me to keep quiet about the vaccine. He told me there is a surprisingly large amount of anti-vax nurses and that he didn’t want a nurse to treat or care for me differently based on my pro-vax status.

I get your point, but smoking is a little different - the coronavirus doesn’t have a multibillion-dollar industry dedicated to infecting people before they are old enough to decide it’s a bad idea, and the virus isn’t one of the most addictive substances known to humanity. And there is no culture where people are

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

I have never smoked in my life, but I can understand people getting hooked on smoking at a young age or while in a stressful job more than I can understand so-called medical professionals deciding not to get vaccinated without a serious reason. If they’re smoking outside, at least the only people they are harming are

I delivered my kid pre-vaccine and the only reason it wasn’t completely terrifying was my confidence that all the medical staff at my hospital here in Toronto were doing everything possible to keep me safe.

Who would want an unvaccinated worker anywhere near their vulnerable newborn?  Good riddance.

As I remember it, the vast sentiment after 9/11 was to wipe the Middle East off the map. If *ever* there was a public outcry of support for nuclear weapon usage, I would believe that it would have been beginning 9/12/01. This just goes to show that Bush was either 100% full of shit or worse, believes the reality he

George W. Bush Is Lying

He’s really good at building excitement for what his projects can be, which is why we come back, lose interest a few episodes in, and then come back for the finale to watch the train wreck finally explode.

Miranda looks like she's going hunting, and Samantha looks like she's going to book club in the suburbs.

So the character of Monica Lewinsky is on par with Monica Geller.