
If you liked the show you’d like the book series (by Jeff Lindsay) which is very different, easy to read, and quite funny. Bonus: Jeff Lindsay absolutely hated the show (of course I can’t find a source for this info now, so that might be faulty memory), and you can really read that in the final 2 books of the

<insert evil laugh here>

Yes. I rant a lot about how all our police tv/movies show extreme corruption as thought it is totally normal, purposely priming the viewing audience to believe those activities are normal/acceptable policing and not corrupt/bad/illegal, which then makes them think literally nothing the police do is corruption except

For me, the new home screen makes it really difficult to distinguish between content and advertisement, which is probably the point. Sigh.

This SHOULD BE the most read and starred comment. 

Come on, Jezebel editors, writers, please just put in a line on every article about bankruptcy/chapter 11 stating that it really means the company has filed for BANKRUPTCY PROTECTION, not that the company is penniless and going out of business. 

So, the advice blog Dear Fuck-Up, is totally fake right? I feel like it’s obvious but I must have missed the post that explained this.

“Blood is thicker than water" is another one. 

That is part of the problem too though, news treating these people and what they do/say as if they're sane/normal/ok/not-wrong/a-difference-of-opinion. 

I was prepared to dislike this article the way I disliked the other article about hair care/ hair cutting, but I don’t. This article opened my eyes and made me feel empathy.

Break up with him. 

Oh yes, burning lungs. I keep trying to massage them and getting inexplicably surprised that I can’t. My brain just is not up to speed. All of this is so weird. I’m 32 and breathing like my late 80ish grandmother with COPD. I’ve never coughed so much in my life.

Ok, who here is sick? I'm sick. Not sick enough to be allowed a test mind you, my location won't allow that until I really can't breathe on my own, which at the rate I'm going could be sometime next week. Those moments when I feel ok I get ashamed that I was possibly malingering. Then it gets undeniably bad again. I

I appreciate this comment.

Right? Shouldn't we be happy to be "killing" alcohol culture? 

That often happens in domestic violence situations, and a reason (among many) that victims don't come forward. Like that somehow negates what happened to them. 

I think that the garage singing is supposed to be bad/not great, because they're kids doing band practice, not an idealized version. I really liked that it seemed more down to earth than having then be this perfect awesome superstars in the making band. But my reading could be way off.

What did he mean anyway? That she was so hot it ruined every other encounter? 

Which song? I'm late to Taylor Swift fandom so I don't really know the connections in earlier songs. 

Oh, I've done that too! It's awful.