To be fair, at least that footage was reused because the stunt driver got hurt performing the ACTUAL scene in transformers so bay rehashed the island footage (that used the same driver) as a way of respect.
To be fair, at least that footage was reused because the stunt driver got hurt performing the ACTUAL scene in transformers so bay rehashed the island footage (that used the same driver) as a way of respect.
You might want to read up on why they re used that scene.. It actually cost them more to edit those old scenes into the movie than use the initial shots.
Allow me to give you a run down
Vanilla: No real story. Bunch of guys showed up, Heroes killed them, mostly standard ever-quest style MMO stuff.
Burnign Crusade: Illidan is back, The blood elves are dying off because they need magical energy. Outland proves to be a strong source for this in the form of demons, so…
Like I said, the campaign for Warcraft 3 and Frozen Throne was good, but Warcraft 3's pvp lacked polish in comparison to Brood Wars. The balance and mechanics, while interesting, just weren't up to the standards Blizzard had already set. Yeah, you had new factions, but they weren't as varied or as balanced in…
That question mark is really throwing me off.
Depends, are we assuming Warcraft 4 would have Warcraft 3's hero model, or not? Because the whole champion system seems better worked out for Moba's, and in terms of pure RTS Starcraft 2 is still holding up really well.
To each their own, but I've fully enjoyed SC2 so far. I'm eagerly awaiting the final expansion to SC2. I really enjoyed D3 for the first 100 or so hours of play, and with the expansion in the horizon, I have something new to look forward to again. The only Blizzard game I've ever been disappointed with was WC3 the…
After the huge disappointments of Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, I find it hard to get excited for even another Warcraft game.
I've never touched any of the WoW games, but from what I've gathered, the story does sound very convoluted. I hope they just retcon all of WoW. Or heck, I don't think I'd be too upset if they rebooted the entire franchise, I just want to play another Orcs and Humans RTS (but throw in the RPG elements from WCIII…
I mostly want WoW to die so that other companies might stop making WoW clones. Some companies are FINALLY trying to break the MMO mold recently, but there were just too many years of substandard WoW clone MMOs.
WoW has become so stupidly convoluted story wise that I'd much prefer a Warcraft 4 just so we know what the hell is actually going on. All this stuff about the Orcs apparently turning into the villains again for no reason (instead of the tribal people established in WC3/WoW, with numerous alliances) really had me give…
Never gonna happen. Not enough revenue in a rts game. WoW will continue til people stop playing it (or they come out with a new MMO).
I guess you have to be a WoW player to get the humor.
Dude... what is with your hostility towards me? Is this assault on my grasp of the English language (which, by the way, is my first language) some form of new internet bullying that I'm unaware of? Just for the sake of amusement/education on my part, please enlighten me as to which part(s) of my comment is bad or…
If you consider your television set to be the "current high standard" in terms of display resolution, I feel bad for you, son.
Thats good, because there is no argument to be had on your part;)
I'm not getting into an argument with someone who doesn't know how to use words properly, but I will say that that my television set is by far and away the shittiest screen in my house.
It's the current high standard , anything better is an exceptionally higher standard. I'm willing to bet your TV isn't anything higher than 1080p. It is not laughably low and you know it, don't be so elitist.