I never had the manula, but I did read through both of their PDF versions, and I agree that it was one of the best. Certainly up there with the Warcraft III manual and Starcraft manual.
I never had the manula, but I did read through both of their PDF versions, and I agree that it was one of the best. Certainly up there with the Warcraft III manual and Starcraft manual.
Likewise, the minute I saw the email announcement for preorders in my inbox I hopped on Amazon and snagged my collectors edition. However I have no intentions of keeping the Mothership statue. I plan to make back my money and hopefully more by selling it. Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome collectors item, but I'm…
I've watched someone play the game but haven't done so myself. I feel like the Titans are an integral part of this game, otherwise it's just sci fi call of duty. To me this would be like Rockstar introducing a new mode in GTA that removes all the cars, now you can walk everywhere!
I also want to see Warcraft return to it's roots as an RTS, but if it does, I'd rather it completely ignore the events of WoW. Either retcon everything from WoW to make a Warcraft IV, or please just reboot the series.
I don't believe that is a real person... It looks like one of those lifelike sex dolls posed for a bunch of photos turned into a stupid youtube slideshow. Seriously, who puts slide shows of pictures on youtube? It's not a photo site, it's a video site.
Blizzard shouldn't have to care about the people who have spotty internet... The way i see it, if your internet sucks, don't get the game. I don't have enough disposable income to waste on a monthly subscription for games like WoW, so I don't get to play it. It's not Blizzards fault I don't have enough money, it's my…
So what you are saying is that women who wear skin tight or revealing clothing are not strong women? Got'cha...
That bla bla bla part was the best part in the whole video! Oh and the slap was pretty funny too.
Seriously, those poligon characters in VII are the only bad thing about that game
These 2d Sprites look infinitely better than the crappy 3D block characters from FFVII. Amazing game, but the in game characters looked so aweful.
It's a fantastic trailer, loved it, and this is coming from someone who has never played WoW. It really makes me yearn for another WarCraft RTS though. At this poitn I don't ever want to see a WarCraft IV, I just want them to reboot the franchise and start over.
What was the concensus on this game? To me it looked overly generic and uninteresting. Did it even do well enough on the Xbox one to warrent releasing it on other platforms?
Actually, if you read the article first published by Kotaku, the only quote given in regards to it's exclusivity was this: "Official line is that the game is "exclusive on Xbox for holiday 2015.""
Lets say for a minute that I only care to get my news directly from Kotaku... Now lets look back at the exact wording that Kotaku initially reported: "Official line is that the game is "exclusive on Xbox for holiday 2015.""
None of the other quotes from Microsoft or Crystal Dynamics were posted on Kotaku until after…
No the only thing shady was all the gaming sites reporting it as anything but a timed exclusive. You guys all drummed up hype over a nonissue. It was clear to anyone with a modicum of intelligence that "exclusive for holiday 2015" meant "timed exclusive".
I fail to see how Microsoft pissed off any of their fans with this move. Square Enix certainly made a few angry fans with all this silly wording, but they only pissed off their stupid illiterate fans who couldn't understand that "exclusively for the 2015 holiday" litterally meant "timed exclusive"
This happened with the 6th and 7th gen consoles as well. It's an overlap period, they can't just abandon their loyal customers who have yet to buy into the 8th generation.
I still don't understand why everyone is crying.
As a cyclist, I've always riden with the mindset "The more room I give, the more they'll take from me". This is why I choose to travel at least 3 feet away from the curb while riding on the road. I don't think this is an unreasonable amount of room for me to take up. I need a safety zone on the left and right of me to…
I was never much of a software pirate in regards to computer games; the only games I ever torrented were Homeworld 2 (because my copy broke) and Halo Combat Evolved. Both of which I torrented years after they'd released, and to make amends I purchased both of them after the fact just so I could own them legally.