
It's technically on Steam, but not available to new Hawken accounts. They are releasing it slowly on Steam, but only to existing players who had an account before it came to Steam. I'd rather not see any coverage of the game until it's publicly available.

You poor saps, you wasted a good amount of money then if you went to Toys'R'Us. They mark up their Lego prices so high. I'm not talking a matter of a few cents, or even a few dollars. You'll sometimes be spending upwards of $5-$10 more than what you'd spend at the Lego store or any other store that caries Lego sets.

People doing dumb things and suffering the consequences always puts a smile on my face:)

Don't be naive. Porn is certainly responsible for some parts of this kids problems. Porn is destructive. It's been proven time and again that porn does rewire the brain in regards to sexual appetites and desires.

I've read through the article, and nothing in it insulates any sort of fault to video games or Xbox 360's, it simply states that the Xbox was used to look at the porn. This is important information for people who care to know.

I got into Armored Core with AC3 and Front Line. I loved those games. I tried Armored Core V on the PS3 and it was a completely new game, I personally hated the controls, camera angle and everything else.

I liked the game. I will admit I got bored of it before finishing all the DLC, but I still plan to return to the game in the future to finish it.

From my point of view, the reason Nintendo isn't selling the WiiU very well is for two very good reasons.

I preferred Halo 2 over ODST, that game was awful in my opinion. Was it the playing as the Arbiter that people didn't enjoy? I actually thought that was a cool feature added to the game.

because bamboo armor looks cool.

I skipped classes all the time in High School. Neither I nor any of my friends blew up, we did however get detention and in school suspension on more than one occasion, but we may or may not have attended all of those. I'm glad to report we all graduated on time!

"Let me handle this. That idea is just the worst."

Mountain Dew isn't exactly known for it's taste. It's simply a go to caffeinated beverage, not really a good beverage. Why would anyone want to taste it in their Cheetos, thats just gross.

This guys a total prick, I don't care if he was drunk or not. Being drunk doesn't magically absolve you of all the dumb, cruel, and rude things you say and do.
I'm far more disturbed by the fact that she didn't once react appropriately to his awful advances. It's like she didn't feel she had a right or responsibility

Does anyone else agree with me that if/when a new Star Fox game gets released, it should only involves vehicular based missions. The games and missions that involved on foot action were just awful. To me, those on foot mission are the equivalent of something like Gran Turismo without cars. Walking around a track would

I'm just as baffled by the people who profess not to care about such trivial things, but comment anyway.

I have Tomb Raider on Steam, but have yet to play it. I hear it's a great game, and look forward to eventually getting to it.

You keep them in the fridge? I'm intrigued. I will have to try this the next time I've got some.

Not a fan of these ones. In fact I threw half a pack away because no one in the house liked them. The mint fudge cremes on the other hand are wonderful!

Portal is the exact reason I use Steam. Got it for free a few years back, and have been hooked on Steam since.