He was still a clone of Jengo Fett. However, unlike the other clones who were all engineered to age quicker so they could become combat capable sooner, Boba was an unaltered clone who would age normally.
He was still a clone of Jengo Fett. However, unlike the other clones who were all engineered to age quicker so they could become combat capable sooner, Boba was an unaltered clone who would age normally.
I honestly didn't even notice the lack of wings due to being distracted by all the other spot on details. So I suppose this could look even better than it does. Wings would probably be really hard to pull off though, maybe they are saving it for later?
So whats your point? Is your point that her and the team she works with aren't talented? Because that would be wrong...
Oreo double stuffed is way better than regular Oreo cookies. I just think the creme to cookie ratio works out great, and for some reason the cookie needs less time in milk to get to that perfect no-longer-crisp/but-not-quite-soggy state of being.
I don't really care about a sequel. But a reboot or a spiritual successor would be fine by me!
This 'kink' looks very bad.
You are in the minority in thinking that. The FR-S is fantastic, while this looks too tall, too blocky, and too ugly.
Not an improvement at all, in fact I hate the stupid boomerang headlights that they stole from Nissan. The first tC was leagues ahead of this in style.
Hey what are we looking at guys?
Many games are already like this, at least this is how I see free2play games. Those who suck, end up spending money on the game to gain an edge, while those who don't suck can get by without cashing in;)
Not to mention some of these games have become "collectors items", so now they demand a hefty price tag on Amazon or Ebay, for an ancient piece of plastic. If I can't find it new somewhere for a reasonable price, it doesn't exist in my opinion, so it's pirate-able.
Other M wasn't all bad. Just the dialogue, which I'm sure wasn't nearly as bad with the original Japanese voices. Oh and the horrid first person missile view... That was pretty bad.
I for one am glad you've finally switched over. This commenting system is so much more fluid and intuitive. Now I can follow an entire conversation without having to click, click, click, click, click...
That's just silly! It's a full fledged game, not some PSN downloadable mini game like Super Stardust. It's certainly worth picking up. I like it on the PC!
I guess this is cool for people who enjoy these kind of card games. I sure was hoping for something else. Like maybe the Megabloks Starcraft sets... What ever happened to those?
You should post it, because then maybe this article would actually be deserving of a NSFW tag lol.
What part of this is NSFW? I think you only put that there so more people would click the link. It doesn't even look like she's remotely topless. Her shirt just looks dirty.
Gotcha. So 22 campaign missions, with 5 evolution/training missions?
Wow, I'm surprised they were able to resist the urge to give the female Gorn tits. Kudos to them!
Wings of Liberty's campaign was the same length as the original Starcraft though. The only difference was 30 levels of all Terran rather than 10 of each race. I am bummed that the HotS campaign is apparently only 20 levels long, that does seem short in my opinion.