I don't get it... Why is this bad? Great song, Impeccable CG, looks and sounds great to me! I haven't played any of the games, so maybe that's why I'm not 'in' on the baddness of this.
I don't get it... Why is this bad? Great song, Impeccable CG, looks and sounds great to me! I haven't played any of the games, so maybe that's why I'm not 'in' on the baddness of this.
Not to mention in Portrait mode!!! Why do people do this? No one has their tv or monitor oriented in portrait mode... These type of videos do not belong on this planet.
I'm with you. In my opinion, it's just some blonde chick in a blue leotard and not Samus. When fans of Metroid think of Samus Aran, they think of the insanely awesome powersuit she always wears. I'm all sexy pictures, but there is a time and a place, and when none of these other characters are parading around in their…
This was sweet laughter fuel:) It's always sad when a nice car gets damaged, but when an idiot gets whats coming, I'm just saying!
I've run into two players on Battle.net with the name Debaser (my Battle.net name since SC1)
I enjoyed the first episode (played it while it was free on xbox360). But I couldn't stand how much foul language was in it. I can't understand why we don't have the option to turn off curse words in video games these days. Playing a game like this, means I can only turn it on after my children have gone to bed, which…
With Steam and Amazon sales, you'll save hundreds of dollars as a PC gamer.
I could care less. I was a huge console gamer most my life. I've owned an NES, Gameboy, SNES, Sega Genesis, Gameboy Advanced, DS Lite (Curse you Nintendo for killing off the Gameboy name), PSX, PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, and Wii. I have no plans on buying a Wiiu, PS4, or NextBox. PC Gaming is the cheapest. In the past two…
I traded my old (still working) translucent green Halo Xbox for Halo 3, Bioshock, Red Faction, and Timeshift on Craigslist. It was a good deal I think. I've seen the Halo Xboxs offered for a couple hundred on Ebay and Amazon, but I can't imagine they actually sell for that unless they are sealed in the original box.
I got the Star Craft Risk for Christmas, haven't played it yet! This one looks fun too, as well as the Halo Risk.
I loved it at launch and the following months after. But I can't bring myself to play it anymore. I can't play a game for hours at a time anymore due to life obligations, so when I am able to play D3 it is only for an hour or 2 a week. At this pace, I'll never get any good items, so really, I'll never progress. For…
You really don't have a clue what you are talking about. When I said that the LDS (Mormon church) doesn't practice polygamy, I said it with 100% certainty. It's a well known fact that other churches that have zero affiliation to Mormons in practice and doctrine (similar names don't mean jack squat) do practice…
You sound ignorant. Let me educate you real quick!
L337 was hilarious. I suppose only someone who grew up watching Dragon Ball Z when it was still new would appreciate it.
I only see a Dualshock 1 and 2, there is no 3 up there.
Last winter here in Leavenworth Kansas, we only had 1 day of snow, and it all melted within a few hours. This snowfall happened in February 2012. I'm not expecting to see any snow this winter until early next year (2013). As far as I can remember, Kansas has always had crazy weather patterns. It must suck to be a…
I have absolutely no problem with JGL playing Bruce Wayne. He's an actor (a good one at that), who is quite capable of playing various characters. I think people will get it that he's not the same character from the Dark Knight Trilogy, but they will also get that he's most certainly a nod to the Dark Knight Trilogy.
Totally agreed! Nolan's Batman universe should have no connections to the new Justice League universe. Also, JGL should never (I repeat, NEVER!) get to reprise his role as Robin in Nolan's Batman universe. In fact, Nolan's Batman universe should never get a sequel, prequel, spinoff or any such film tie in. That…
How is this any smaller? It actually looks chunkier to me.
I use my wii almost solely for Netflix. I would use my Xbox 360 for Netflix, but you know, I'm already paying Netflix and my Internet provider, so why should I have to pay Microsoft to use things like the internet? Imagine this, what if a company like Apple charged you to use the internet with their computers. You…