
or you could just put aside some money until you've saved up $460, and by that time the Xbox360 will be significantly cheaper. Honestly... who doesn't expect another price drop or 2 within the next couple of years? Not to mention Xbox Gold memberships are always being offered for much better deals then this. Buying a

serves em right... who in their right mind accepts their boss on facebook?

Lets not forget Star Fox and Rouge Squadron in HD. I'm still pissed we didn't get either for the wii. I'll not be buying a weeoo unless I see Metroid, Star Fox, and Rouge Squadron on it within the first year.

I left IE for Firefox and then left that for Chrome. I was a Firefox user for a long time when it first came out, but gave it up immediately after Chrome was released. I will never touch Firefox if I can help it. Firefox crashed on a daily basis for me, biggest piece of junk browser ever. I'd use Safari before using

It wasn't a remake... and what the devil is wrong with more light cycles, more grid games, and fancier CGI? This was a movie that benefited greatly from more CGI. I wouldn't have been at all upset if they included even more light cycles than they did in Legacy!

Portal 1, best $0 I never spent, and Portal 2, best $5 I ever spent. Thank you Steam:)

I've already seen plenty of articles stating the next Tron film is already a go. I don't think it's a matter of if, but simply when.

why do so many people dislike Tron Legacy? It was better in every way than the first film, not that the first film was bad, it just wasn't that great. I loved Legacy, and look forward to it's inevitable sequel:) I'm also stoked for Uprising, the art style is wonderful.

that is weird, I've never seen anything like that. I'm in the closed Beta, haven't had that problem, and I even played with 2 brothers and a friend all at once during the open Beta Sunday evening. 1 brother was on a high end PC, another on a nice laptop, I was on a mid-end PC (full graphics and 1920x1080 screen), and

Personally I have to agree, the original was a horribly and uncomfortably designed controller, which is why I used this beauty:) it was absolutely a joy to hold! So many fond memories of Turok Rage Wars (easily the best Multiplayer first person shooter on the N64).

she hit an mx-6:( I drive one of those!

I would not consider my PC higher end by today's standards. I can play games just fine at high settings, but I'm running a fairly old GPU (Radeon 4800HD or something like that). I'm definitely due for a new GPU.

It's a fun game. I played first as the female monk, which I absolutely loved, and then on my second go played as the demon hunter, which I didn't enjoy as much. I've never played any of the Diablo games, but I've been a long time Blizzard fan since Warcraft 1. Considering I haven't played any of the Diablo's, I can't

I've had a Beta Key for a couple months now, and only played it twice for about 2 hours total lol. Oh well!

HD-DVD was in no way superior...

you've obviously not seen anything by Firas Abu-Jaber. Check him out on flickr. []

Metroid Prime Trilogy (again) plz:) I might actually buy a weeooo if they release some metroid and star fox games

I must have miss-read this part then " He was a self-identified conservative Christian, farmer, body builder, hunter, freemason and gamer"

Interesting how so many of you are offended by the fact that Media outlets pick up on him being a gamer, while at the same time, I see a lot of you lambasting Christianity simply because he happens to be a Christian; as if all Christians are psychotic killers. Obviously he's a delusional Christian, because murder is

that was funny, i hope will it blend does a nintendo 3ds.