@Gazoogleheimer: Ill have to mention this to our Network Administrator. He just bought a 20lb CO2 extinguisher for our small server room :-/
@Gazoogleheimer: Ill have to mention this to our Network Administrator. He just bought a 20lb CO2 extinguisher for our small server room :-/
It's simply too big for my liking, regardless of it's other weak points.
@fury161: Funny, I made that same point and my other account got suspended for a week. Guess it's off to Engadget for me.
" has actually been Apple-certified so you can dock (and charge) with the quiet knowledge that Apple approves of you."
@soldstatic: If you were to release a bottle of Guinness into a micro-gravity environment would it be like a ball of beer with an outer shell of head?
does anyone use Zboards?
Doesnt matter, Obama wont ditch his BB for it
It melts your noodle
@Jakooboo- Writing secret messages as we speak.: not maybe, definitely.
well shit
@NullNullNix: Spot on Ol' Chap
@curtisimo: Trollin be done
@Jakooboo- Writing secret messages as we speak.: Time to kick your pantyhose size up a notch.
@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: You are indeed a wise man and I was being quite naive. Forgive my ignorance and lack of due diligence.
@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: I have a friend that grew up in Cocoa Beach. She knows the area, her parents know the area. Their input and that which I gained by talking to the people I met while I was there last week is the basis for my statement. Perhaps you know better but, I think not.
@jeffsnewphone: The reason the launch was pushed back 2 months is because when NASA found out they only had two more launches with this Shuttle they realized they would have to get more done during those trips. So they had to move the launch so they could prepare. Obama made the decision to cancel the program.
@blyan-reloaded: While the president does not have any say over how your steak is served, he did make the decision to cancel the shuttle program, which cause the launch to be delayed 2 months
@CandyBacon: I'm fairly certain the launch director was not responsible for the cancellation of the shuttle program, which is the reason this launch was delayed.