I like how a company calling their new tech Bulldozer likened hyper-threading to "brute force". I hope they do get this right however, I would love to have a reason to use AMD chips again.
I like how a company calling their new tech Bulldozer likened hyper-threading to "brute force". I hope they do get this right however, I would love to have a reason to use AMD chips again.
Lucas holds the copyright on Jedi? Can you copyright something from a book you didnt write? Im not being sarcastic, I really dont know how this stuff works.
@kearneybobs: excellent. I really loved my old G5.
@Dafrety: Its $52 delivered. I had to get one. Being logitech it will last forever too.
Bought the G9x. Been wanting to for awhile since my Razer Lechesis is flaky with tracking.
I have Andersons Windows 7 theme. Its one of my favorites.
@Praben: Wild West is not nearly as fun as The Deep. I had both, eventually deleted WW. I am frustrated at how often my ball falls straight between the bumpers in The Deep, giving me no chance to save it. One addition I would like to see is the ability to bump the side of the phone to nudge the table, and of course…
A prank seems the likely explanation
Oh man, El Jobso hates you something fierce.
@twothefutureandbeyond: I agreed that humans are overpopulated in areas. These areas usually have high instances of disease, starvation, murders...natures attempt to thin them out. Darwinism works. Let's not forget that humans are the top of the food chain and Im sure a large majority of Madrid's citizens do not…
@twothefutureandbeyond: Pigeons do not have rights. When they get overpopulated (which is happening because humans provide food for them) they need to be thinned. Do you know what would happen if humans stopped hunting deer? Everyone would hit them with their cars, which is a far worse way to die then most…
@♫ Destronok ♫: There you fixed it.
@ding-dang: hah, nice. Check out the last picture and caption on this page
That's ridiculous. That officer should not be allowed to hold any type of security or law enforcement job.
I'm excited for the future of prosthetic limbs.
I can understand the earth tones and maybe the robot one as a special edition. The bright flash colors dont seem practical however.
Well done lass.
@-daddy-: If I ever used the extended power cord I would agree.
I wrap the cable around my hand and then put it in the pocket of my laptop bag. Ive never used the pop out cable loops.
@Meh: I wouldnt consider the iPad a tablet pc. It's an entertainment device really. Also, if you go to umpcportal.com you will see that European and Asian companies have been producing hand-held computers for far longer than the iPad has been around. I would credit Apple with being the first company to realize…