System of a Frown

Opening next year, visitors will have the opportunity to romp through “zones dedicated to other film properties like Step Up and Divergent,” ...

This girl is tiny, yet looks like my uncle at Christmas, so bloated that his buttons are working hard to try to hold his shirt together. Why wold you do that?

From a European ‘socialist country’ here so a little baffled - you have to pay for those tests yourself?

I am so sorry this happened to you.

That would have been a 1000x better commercial.

Will never use Uber.

It has come to my attention that while there has been generous outpouring of attention to women’s reproductive health and regulation thereof, conservatives have seriously neglected men. Might I suggest that the favour of being so coddled be returned and these things become mandatory for all unmarried men between 15

Having never been that girl that the guys liked in high school, but always just kind of awkward like I had an extra limb or something, this gives me intense anxiety to watch. I am not surprised if this damages a whole generation of not-quite-popular kids.

Jessidecaf Biel
James Bean
Brew Berrymore
Leonardo DiCappuchino
Johnny Drip

European here, I don’t think you are doing us justice. There are absolutely problems in the system, but there is also a strong urge to protect our welfare system. Countries in southern Europe have 50% (youth) unemployment rate because of recession, the Euro, incredibly negligent governments, but it is a really

“ It’s insane to me that such a gorgeous person can be so funny, but I guess we just all have to accept it.”

I don’t, but I DO have thick calves that are completely out of proportion, so I have that going for me, which is nice.

You are spot on.

Breaking: White men doing it on their own!

A friend of mine was in a hiring committee where they first sorted out all the women, put them in one pile, and discarded it. No need to waste time reading them when you know what you are going to pick!

Wow. Just wow.

Crucial distinction.