
a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being

There’s no “might”. It will.

I have direct access to information from a source within Mazda Japan. It will be a new concept in the vein of the Cosmo coupe of the 1990’s, with a semi-automatic transmission, a rotary, and hybrid tech.

And it will preview a production model.

That rendering isn’t bad, but the front is wrong,

100 Series Land Cruiser because I drive one and I’m biased and also because they’re a bit more comfortable than an 80 Series.

I’m not a huge 100 fan

“it’s fucking stupid. tesla rules sorry.”

Yes, yes, we know... Bush/Jews/Reptilians did 9/11; controlled demolition; false flag; “the first time in history fire has melted steel” blah blah blah blah blah.

That, my friends, is a slipping transmission.

(“SS” stands for “steady state”)

Trump is as un-PC as they come.. love him or hate him, his attitude is exactly what this country needs a dose of... his politics on the other hand....

America still knew how to fight in the Korean War, and committing “atrocities” is how you win. You have to make the cost of fighting too horrible to make it worth continuing. You are ordered to stand down from the enemy, or worse yet get sent in to “win hearts and minds,” you end up with fiascos like Vietnam and Iraq.

Is it just me, or is NHTSA on a fucking witch hunt? Am I the only one that see them trying to close the barn door after the horse has gotten out? ALL of these Jeeps were fine and passed standards set at the time. I see this as a huge issue, potentially setting a dangerous precedent. Whats to stop NHTSA from going

That’s gotta be the worlds largest niche.

thats a clothing donation bin for a local charity......its taking up half the stall so really the truck was just doing its best.

E38 era BMW is my fav. Call it tacky but I’ve seen a purple/cream with purple seat piping that was amazing! BMW individual has had some great color combos.

Tell me more about that knee-capper option!

I had one of these. An 84 with the diarrhea color scheme.

Now playing

Maybe so, but I could listen to Sir Jackie Stewart talk about the Tempo...or anything really...all day.