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I thought Mario Balotelli only wore Crocs.

More specifically:

Think connecting a 12V battery to a 6V system might have contributed to that a little?

Yeah, I saw that too. I guess I was just looking for something more specific, like a quote from Brigham Young about Satan’s sick outlet passes or something.

That is so fetch.

Mattingly can relate.

Funny, so do the Sox.

I’ve heard that, in its day, Martin Brundle said that this had one of the best handling saloon car chassis anywhere in the world.

Obama was born there, so Donald thinks it’s in Kenya....

Peanuts aren’t nuts, they’re legumes.



That Kansas “diploma” seems to be working for you too.

Missed opportunity Steph.

I don’t recall ever being told to raise the window shade on an airplane. In fact, I can remember on more than occasion being asked to LOWER the window shade in order to better control the temperature in the cabin.

In those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. “Gimme five bees for a quarter,” you’d say.