Matthew Caverhill

It is in his will.

It is an EA game... so I think that is really unlikely.

I agree. I didn’t know about that change, and now that I am forewarned, I’m dodging that land mine now.

Then wouldn’t the graph indicate higher general sales, not the huge crash that happened for a lot of these, in most cases, extremely well reviewed games.

Maybe I’d be more willing to believe that if you didn’t cover a game that you did voice work on (Space Pirates and Zombies). You mentioned that you did voice work for it in the WTF video, but that was clearly a case where you had more than a perceived bias. But you still covered that.

Cubs peak yearly attendance was in 2008: 3.3 million

The problem is, people will go see the Cubs no matter how good or bad they are, so there is no incentive for them to improve. Why invest money in winning under those circumstances?

Yeah, I am totally willing to agree with that.

I think "What a bunch of a-holes," was the line of the trailer. If I saw nothing else but the title and heard that line with the one that preceded it (They call themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy), I would have been sold with no other visuals. Just those two lines tell me what kind of movie it is.

I can just imagine the sliding exchange rates too.

Batman: Arkham Origins ($25) | Steam

I wonder if this means my PS2 copy of Marvel vs Capcom 2 is going to increase in value again because of this.

I love Dennis Hopper's story about that movie:

I walked away and came back to this photo, and my first thought was... I don't remember reading an article about Saints Row today.

I had it in my cart last week at GMG and missed the coupon, so I bought it from Gamefly with the 10% off pre-order sale plus their own 20% off code, so in the end, I only ended up about 1.25 out on the deal.

I know the Out of the Park series has been doing this for years with their franchise mode. I hope Football Manager brings in this kind of feature too.

I foresee a lot of other developers looking at this event and changing their minds about ever giving away copies of their games as a promotion in the future.

Now playing

I remember when Jane Curtin was on the SNL episode of Oprah a few years back where she was talking about John Belushi actively trying to sabotage the female writers on the show in the earliest days of the show.

That's what I want... Atlus games on the PC.