Matthew Caverhill

The Arclight Indie Royale Bundle just got extended by 4 days and it looks like something new is going to unlock soon. I am wondering if it is Skyward Collapse.

Somehow I read that in Aziz Ansari's voice and I don't know why.

I like the fact that at Gamersgate, you can look at all the things that are on sale and then narrow that list down to just things that are Steam-activated.

I really like Arcen games and I hope that Arclight bundle does really well since I want to see what kind of game they do next. I've been telling everyone about it because I loved AI War: Fleet Command.

I can confirm that the Arclight bundle is totally PC and Mac compatible. Just FYI.

I am just thinking of all the DLC that was initially free for owners of the original game and how many overtime hours went into making that content.

I played a lot of hours of the original. This story a) explains a lot about that game and b) even if I wasn't sick of said original game and was no longer interested in the sequel, this news made me even less likely to try it.

The one thing I didn't like about Freelancer was the fact that the economy wasn't dynamic. I wish the X series had the flare that Freelancer did.

If I buy a new, better computer, I get to put all those games I have on Steam onto it. Valve isn't telling me that since I bought new hardware that all the things I bought from them are now incompatible, because people don't want their old games.

I'm sorry it was spoiled for you. That isn't cool and I always get mad when people randomly spoil things (especially this series) for other people.

Who talks like that?

Go Team Venture!

That is the argument that I make in favor of used games on consoles. I want to give a publisher/developer money for the product they made. But because it is a slightly older product that they don't produce anymore, so they literally will not take my money for it and I have to buy it from a reseller, even if it is a

At 20 GB, that is a big installation. I wonder why it requires so much room. I mean, for about 20 GB, you could install Skyrim and Far Cry 3.

After playing Football Manager 2011, I couldn't go back to FIFA... and maybe a few more people will be willing to try FM based on the above announcement.

I agree with everything you've said here. I mean, I got this game the same summer I got Platoon and that game seems so much worse in terms of gameplay than Friday the 13th was.

If you want a straight average, use Gamerankings which is also under the same corporate umbrella as Metacritic but which does not use any weighing to my knowledge.

It isn't like the NY Times has given the show good reviews in the past anyway.

I am just wondering when we are going to see La Mulana on Steam since it got through the Greenlight process in the last announcement.