
Like all the pussies that get an anal attack when someone hungs a conferederate flag or wear a maga hat in their own business? Yeah right.Disgusting rap music should should never be played at a place of business period.

Maeve is the only one with free will, no one else is. Since Maeve can control other hosts, she most likely is subconsciously altering Hector script to love her

Im getting strong ‘another world’s vibes and I’m all for it!

You forget to realize that they are already in the Caribbean enjoying your money because for every whiny social media player there are tons of suckers that are paying for gems. Is not even worth to ask the question, why don’t they make a full fleshed game and charge for it once? Because they make much more money with

Do you enjoy rollercoasters? I bet you don’t.

First of all you are totally off of every point. The wife is the one asking for help so *obviously* the answer has to depend on something that the wife needs to do. I would be really stupid to say “if your husband changes, all will be good” well DUH. The whole point here, which is obvious, is that the husband is not

And what the heck Christianity has to do with Kotaku? Are you being sarcastic or serious?

You really don’t know that... Have you seen your parents having sex?

Maybe that’s why it sounded so fake?

Theybare dreamers! How dare you!

Is not the pixel art is the crappy and cheap flat sprites on a basic 3d world that makes my eyes bleed. Looks like a Doom clone for a Texas instruments calculator. Ugly af

“...the leaders of the teams tasked with filming stuff like action scenes” but that is the most important part of blockbuster films!

You are the one being racist here

Starbucks -> hipster

The Queen of England would like to have a word with you...

At least makes more sense than the filmcow one. I just watched for the first time now and it’s incredible stupid and random

And the problem with that logic is it presumes that boys and girls only can enjoy something when they see a protagonist that resembles them. That is false, there’s no identity reason that blocks you from enjoy a good game or good story told from a point of view a character of different sex or race.

Really? I got exactly the opposite feeling, that death must be the biggest c**t in comic book history... Poor thanks has literally offer her a whole universe and still she does give a f**k. Has to be said tho that something must be wrong with thanos for not giving on up on such a despicable character

Is there a Legion videogame?

I’m going with literally what the used to open the show as explanation. That olliver is trapped inside shadow king, who is trapped inside David.