
These are gorgeous.

Some offenders do repeat offend, hence the registry. And to abduct a child you actually need to meet it in person. Registered sex offenders are monitored. They have to be pretty devious to get away with more crimes. And registered offenders often live in designated areas.

This goes too far. The thing about registering sex offenders is that you know they're sex offenders... At this point, they've already gone through the justice system, they're way less of a threat. The people you should be worried about are the un-registered sex offenders. Is New York passing a law to prevent them from

I didn't get the point of the maze or the ghosts... How are they relevant to the story?

Well fuck, I missed that reference.

Dude! Don't even start with this! This is the worst choreography I've ever seen in my life! Every sequence stays completely vertical, emphasis is on extension of extremities, no core, and very little travelling. If this is the future of dance, I quit.

The irony here is illegal aliens are preventing the collapse of American society. But most Americans are stupid and don't realize this.

MC Paul Barman, seriously prodigal nerd rapper.

I imagine the effect is similar to cigarettes. How smokers are always a little more bitchy then other people, they get their smoke, they awesome. Five minutes later, they're bitchy again. I think the effect is called withdrawal.

lol I'm not unfamiliar with sexsomnia. You'd think it'd be cool, but it's not. I was in a relationship when this started and at first it was a bit kinky and out of the ordinary, but after a couple times my GF started freaking out. This can be a serious and frustrating problem.

I see, this is what I thought it was. I guess I'd never heard of stereo conversion but I think that's the name for basic 3D tracing, right?

How do you convert something to stereoscopic 3D? I thought the point of stereoscopy (?) was that it could only be achieved with the right camera's.

You can find this online, if you're not in the right country btw. But it's not worth it, it is the most unenthusiastic video I've ever seen.

And by shuffling you mean adding an arbitrary 3 month break between hiring an employee for a second contract in order to avoid paying them full time employee benefits and provincial taxes. This should be expected?

No, but I know quite a few people who work for them and have gone through what I described, so I can say it with certainty.

"Yes, you can get dropped after the rest of the development team. It's normal, but not likely. And if you work for an outsourced company, this is what happens in all jobs all over the world. You are temp. It's obvious when you join."

Hence why I post trollish bs. Not even I care about my comments.

II'm not talking about the law, and second, did 2009 Tattoo ever air in the US? American movies always make more money, that's not a way to judge quality of a film. And this wasn't a remake, like King Kong, it was a two year release difference.

lol Well, I dunno know why you think anyone cares your ex.

A remake two years later after the original got major critical acclaim? And you think this is totally fine? Why wouldn't theatres release the original in US? (Mostly because everything is white washed for Americans.) And this isn't the first time Hollywood just takes something and does it despite the fact that it's