
Hey on some bright side, multiple save states!

Would be great if buying this unlocked them in a linked Nintendo ID

BB has this also as deal of the day if someone wants those MyBB points:

BB has this also as deal of the day if someone wants those MyBB points:

This will be the price of Gold at best Buy all next week as well. And if you are Gamers Club Unlocked ($20 for 20% all Not Used Physical games) you get it for $34.99 Not sure if there is a limit on the GCU discount though

This will be the price of Gold at best Buy all next week as well. And if you are Gamers Club Unlocked ($20 for 20%

So now there’s 2 versions of the game no one will buy! Woo

Now where is picross 3D2 and Box Boy 2?

I was talking about the Mario mash up... But I couldn't care less about the add ons. It's selling to people that want. You don't seem like the demographic so move along. Done and done

The following DLC is included in the Wii U Edition:[19]

Base Wii u version comes with some of the DLC the others got . Still free. This DLC isn't what made the WiiU one to come out for $10 more.

Very very surprised this is free . Also surprised it doesn't have amiibo unlock content. Great news for everyone. Absolutely no negatives

Even betteR then!

As weird of a name as XB1, but I guess since its WW1, and the original BF was just Battlefield, calling it Battlefield 1 works?

you mean jacuar?

Butts are how babies are born? :|

Something something women’s genitals not being represented

Or why not just make the first one the official cover and replace the bland space marine cover and have option two as reversible. Win win for everyone!

Does this guy work for buzzfeed or something? That is a clever way to turn a mistake into an easy click bait-y cry for attention

I thought the games were getting updated with wireless trading/battling but NOT online?

Nice source. Clearly put me in my place.