
Makes me sad that my 2015 Subaru Forester XT has fake air vents while the previous models had hood scoops :( but I am not sure how real that one was >_>

I assumed they would be released earlier since they released a “physical version” and didn’t want to piss off parents when they find out 4/5 of the game would be slowly released over a 4 month period

Thank goodnes you can play with one friend and find a third random.

Can Teslas get this as a custom screen saver?

As a Nintendo loyalist, I believe the games can run on the handheld side without a connection

I have. Wasn’t too bad. But that was built as 2 seperate devices and they made them connect. This device, if rumors are true, would hopefully be built with combining home and on the go usage into one stream line design. Software on the other hand >.>

Make it the same console! BAM no need to pair when it’s all just the same! Probably was not so crisp resolution screen and a price that’s above everything !

Splatoon 2.2

If it’s a new Nintendo hybrid console that’s basically a ps4/psvita combo that third parties support,

*Menu button*

Have you completed gunsmith gun requests each week? If you find 1-3 a week, what is your gunsmith level? Almost 5?

Weird? Or they knew that people would exploit so they put in the dupes to get people to earn an engram then go to tower to decrypt to see what you get once you get?

From all the positive hype for the main game this week, I cannot wait to see how the raid works this Friday. As a player that has somehow logged in over 750 hours into this game, it's crazy how everything has changed. But it's great they made it way more inviting for new players

I’m just glad the remote isn’t a cell battery anymore and is rechargeable with their new charging standard.

Well yeah these are on an AMERICAN car!

I’m surprised that they actually made new sword slash animations for this.

Did iwata take the directs with him :((((

As a lanky person, this Mario cosplay seems way easier to pull off ! 👍🏼

First of all I’m not complaining. Secondly I said true.

They aren’t lol.