
“But I don’t want to be a pirate”

Yeah that's what I have been wondering about all these free 360 games with their newer version games

Gears 1 backward compatibility comes out today (ALONG WITH SHADOW COMPLEX!!!!) for preview members! And with this deal you get gears 2 free if you have been up to date with all the games with gold games lol. Can’t wait to stream this to no one XD. Games were good and this is a great incentive for anyone and the fact

I liked Harmoknight :(

The Renegade is the vehicle you want when you do most of your driving on the road, but like to buzz down dirt tracks free and easy (or look like you do) without the fuel economy or ride quality penalty you pick up with a bigger, taller, meaner 4x4.

Just because active sniper doesn’t one shot down anymore in Gears Ultimate doesn’t mean you need to shut down Epic Games’ forums guys

:( Sad day indeed.

My friend does too XD

I’ve been to lighthouse twice and it was this past weekend. Luckily got the hand cannon and scout rifle rolls I wanted (solar and void!!)

I just want these now :(

2 years?

I wanted to get these but with dark versions, I won’t care about collecting at launch. I’ll wait for the $30 sale a few months down the line as long as they don’t replace DK and Bowser in the Nintendo versions. No need for these emo-bo (emo and amiibo combined)

We traded a ‘91 (?) Toyota previa for my Si with Cash for Clunkers. Not sure if there was life left there but i didnt care

What a perfect time for this to come out.

I know Nintendo didn’t start the trend but I’m loving this $40 game. Although the game isn’t a AAA title, enjoyable titles at $20 less than retail is easier to swallow than a $60 game . Toad, Kirby, Ratchet, and now this! Can’t wait to see what else is gonna be $40 !

Yeah I saw the boxin the end. Wonder if it'll support amiibo. Based on the end box it won't since no amiibo logo.

I wonder if it'll release as a cross buy ttlw that way people that got it last year can replay it again!

So will this include all the DLC?

I’m hoping that was a mistake since the game was “displayed” on a new 3DS

I like the bounties to get exotic weapons but that still doesn’t make me hate this damn weapon. It’s been said before by a bunch of people but damn do I hate playing PvP just because half the game is just using this gun. I have one and it's not that I don't know how to use, it's just so... cheap? I always get