
I just see that first batch of new play control games for NINTENDO but that's bout it :|

Still waiting for mine to ship....

I get ya but I'm in no rush to play these. Just want them in my backlog haha

Played and beat this game for the first time a year ago. I can't wait to try again to see how I feel about the game now. Looking back now I really liked it. Time was a constraint but with that slow down time song, I had no rush. This time I'll run through the bombers notebook more haha

It's not the same. Well compared to carts haha. Same as VC probably. But j want to support the company that makes the games that I love so I'll still wait! :(

Weird . Wonder if they had that problem in EU though

For some damn reason NoA hasn't released these in the U.S. WiiU Classic Games service... while EU has had these for months now (DKC, DKC2, DKC3, DKCR, DKL, DKL2!)

I'm conflicted. I want to register all the games I have left (like 15) but for some reason I feel like their new one will let you redeem this to get a head start on that program :/ Probably not. Might as well redeem the codes now and sit on them to see what physical rewards will be available in Feb. I bet the new

Ordered one. cancelled it. ordered again. wrong security code. ordered another with my best buy points. Let's hope it doesbt get cancelled since I put in so many (only getting one though)

Very YMMV but you can try to piece match Best Buy price at Target and use the cartwheel for an additional 15% off. Chances increase if you have other items in your order. But like I said, very YMMV

Beating a game, no matter the length or platform is still great! And man, no matter how many hours I out into Threes, I can't get past 9,000 pts:(

Yeah I had trouble with B1 on 360 since I just had no urge since shit was going on in real life, but it gets way better!

Man that's wayyyy crazier than my low ass goal of 30 haha but I'm glad I did it. If only work and destiny didn't intervene!!

WHOA Didn't expect you to end up here! Hope the experience is great for you as it is for the whole staff !

I reached my goal of 30 games finished this year! Since I never finish games haha. I beat 2 puzzle RPG mobile games in my list too.

Hey, you saw that Mario movie "leak". Anything could happen!

Man what crawled up your ass...

Stupid question: Why are there 7 people listed there :| or is that just a whole clan picture? Or did someone switch in the middle of it

Makes sense to me! Wonder how this will play out

What? I'm ready to leave work just to get into this DLC. Im mad that non buyers don't get their weekly strikes but it doesn't affect me so no need for me to complain at Bungie