
Only game I have ever digitally pre ordered. Can't wait to get home tonight! (I would have preordered Rogue Legacy too but I overlooked that one :()

So will there be a day zero version of this bundle? Or can this be picked up with Day Zero versions of games?

cross buy so no need to rebuy if you bought on ps3

I am not looking forward to playing this but I am excited for the changes :| I'm conflicted!

Looked like it and looked like capture the basketball :|

yeah Shane apparently linked wrong one so I think they both powered now

yeah Shane apparently linked wrong one so I think they both powered now

If I am looking at the first 2 right, weird that Nintendo recommends a no AC powered one while they say it's better to have :|

If I am looking at the first 2 right, weird that Nintendo recommends a no AC powered one while they say it's better

man I had to charge a controller 2-3 times just to run through knack -_- and that's not a long game . worst battery life for a controller that I own :/

man I had to charge a controller 2-3 times just to run through knack -_- and that's not a long game . worst battery

Man I remember how different gears 1 gaming was when the party system was released. it went from so much shit talking to nothing. went from weird 3 way private chat switching to get into the same game to a bit easier to land 3 people in one game. went from calling out host to a denying host to calling out host to a

Reminds me more of Power Stone since it's arena and you can power up / stop opponent from powering up. Not like that's a bad thing :D

if rumors are right,I will buy this game and enjoy it for 3 days. then smash for Wii u comes out.

$5? I'm down

yeah that's probably the case. Oh Microsoft and their ... uncertainty!

I thought I read that somewhere but honestly at this point, they can do whatever they want and flip flop on what they say.

remember when one of the free Xbox one games was supposed to be on a 2 month cycle?

girl makes an impossible acheivement to get. no workaround. it's not coded into the game to be achieveable. That's what I got from a quick run through.

but no confirmation that the figures will take advantage of this.

I know. Lookin at the hype of the game and assuming almost all Wii U owners own a 3DS, smash for the 3DS is more anticipated than this game :|

Can't wait for this game! Shame that smash bros comes out a week or so after :( Wish we got Japan's special editions also

Agreed. It's the best selling handheld of all time for so many reasons :|