Even better! That's 28 for GCU members at BB!
Even better! That's 28 for GCU members at BB!
a Wonder if they'll strike gold with this game like they did with Animal Crossing? I hope so. Strange title since it's inception on GC and I've always wanted to play it.Itll probably end up being played like AC, lots in first 2 months and then weeded town for it's life after
Full retail / priced. Game's vocaloid software probably will keep it priced high :|
Then BAM they disappoint you with dated hardware and never meeting the specs of their competitors!
titanfall for 360 or one? cuz the one version is on sale! for 45! (only way to reap the sale benefit is return rebuy :(
Don't forget to remind people about the B2G1 at target! You can price match the price of the games too to save more! (system allows but employee may be hesitant)
The change to the GameCube analog stick make me want this soooooo badly :(
now to see how long till someone remakes this in actual minecraft
Should the dates for these sales be 1/1-4/3? I find it hard to believe that pokemon sold 4 million copies in 3 days :| after the 4 million it sold in the month prior to April 2014.
It's the doom and gloom for their console division. :(
it is coming to America you know :| (and EU I think)
Well last year they had one in both April and May if that makes you feel more comfortable :|
After the pricedrop spaceteam had, I would advise against! It added .. I don't even remember
I want Blabyrinth
It'll be free even if you don't support it. So no need to pledge anything. wait for it to come out. download and feel good you didn't support this guys cause.
It's just the mobile versions of the games :| it's still an android platform with the amazon skin atop it
Nintendo doesn't want to tread into other companies hardware (which stinks but it's their decisions) and sega... well you can buy this for their classics lol
Do all of these require the controller to play? I know some will need (I saw MINECRAFT had a disclaimer) but how many can be played with packaged remote
I think they can be played through Amazon App Store app?
OMG White and Spice would be super awesome! I really wanted this LL from japan :(